Friday, November 28, 2014

3 Months

Oh my Emerson Kate! I can't believe how much you've grown! (Sensing a monthly theme here guys?)

You are 3 months old and wearing 3-6 month clothes. We've moved you up to size 2 diapers and honestly, I could have done this sooner - but I was in denial. You're getting so big! You're officially trying to roll over, but you don't really like it. You get stuck on your side and eventually throw a fit. You started daycare and you're as happy as can be there. It makes mommy sad to leave you, but I know you're in good hands.

Kyle and I were hoping that she would learn to sleep in her crib there - or at least they would work on her sleeping in her crib so when she transitions out of our room it wouldn't be a big deal. Good joke. She hates it. Haaaaaates it. Guess we'll keep trying. Or she can just sleep with us FOREVER!!

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