Sunday, December 28, 2014

4 Months

Look out world! Emerson Kate is 4 months old!!

You are so big! We still have you in 3-6 month clothing, but you comfortably fit in your 6-9 month clothing as well. Pretty soon we'll have to make the transition to only 6-9 months. BOO! You are nothing but smiles! Some of the daycare ladies say that you're their favorite because you're just a good baby - which is so true! You laugh and smile endlessly these days! You smile the most for mom and dad! For the most part you sleep through the night and only wake up to eat. You are also quite the little eater! You've got chins, cheeks, and thighs for days! You still haven't quite mastered rolling over yet, but you're still trying at every opportunity! I am so proud to be your mom.

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