Thursday, September 11, 2014

First few weeks at home pt 2

Daddy snuggles

Macy snuggles

Daddy makes tummy time more bearable!

First bath time!

Blue eyed little lady bug

First few weeks at home

Our weeks in pictures :) These will (hopefully) be a weekly occurrence!

Elvis lips

First day at home and already kicking off our socks

My heart melts! <3

Permanent spot for Macy - always next to the baby

I eat cloth diapers

And I can move my head from side to side! 11 days old!

Those cheeks!

I'm a big Deal

Favorite newborn outfit!!

Stats Update! One Month

Our baby girl had her one month check up today! So proud of our little Bargain. The doctor said that she looked amazing and was absolutely perfect. Heart happy.

She weighed in at a whooping 11lbs and 1oz! SUCCESS! I've been worried that I've been feeding her incorrectly (something I think every new parent worries about) but she's gaining right on track!

At our last appointment they had measured her at a little less than 20 inches long, (meaning that the hospital was off with measuring her) and she was at 20.5 at this appointment! That's a half inch gain in 2 weeks! Not too bad! Sadly this means that I've had to put all of her newborn clothing away. Sad day for this momma!

Stats Update! 2 Weeks

At birth our little one was 9lbs 2oz and 20.5 inches long!

When we went to the doctors office the first time (5 days after birth) she was back up to her birth weight!! Super exciting considering her weight was such a big concern while we were in the hospital (big eye roll).

Needless to say we were REALLY excited to see where she was at 2 weeks!

Drum roll please...

9lbs 9oz! Definitely gained weight! Proud of our little chunker :)

Puppy Love

When we brought the little one home, I was a little anxious about having the pups meet Emerson, but they proved me wrong! I shouldn't have worried! They both adjusted really well! Cooper leaves Emerson alone for the most part and Macy is obsessed!

Here are some pictures of their first meetings!