Monday, September 30, 2013

Pullin’ the Flag – Flag Football 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

There comes a time in your life when your level of play on the field starts to dwindle down, fortunately for me, my time has NOT come yet.  Admit it, you thought I was going to say I’m getting old.  After my Sunday afternoon on the football field, I felt renewed and fresh.  Granted, today I feel like I got hit by a semi and I grunt every time I have to get up and walk, but on Sunday, I felt great!  In fact, it was the first time since I tore my ACL that I played without my ACL designed knee brace.  I still used a knee brace, but I felt free from that load of metal that used to grace my knee.  And I had zero limitations on the field because of my knee.  So all is well on my physical health… Let’s get down to the actual gameplay.  This is going to be rough.

I got a call late last week at work to see if I would be interested in playing flag football since I signed up as a free agent.  I said I was, so the guy told me a coach was looking for a player and he would give him my contact information.  I got a text later that evening about playing.  I could tell just from his text that he was going to be an interesting character.  When you ask someone their name and they respond, “They call me JD,” you know you’re going to have your hands full with this fella.

He wanted to practice on Saturday morning, so I was game.  Unfortunately, it rained, so he re-scheduled for Saturday night.  I drove to Overland Park to practice.  Which consisted of us throwing the ball around and playing 2 on 2.  Now, I’m not one that likes to toot my own horn, but I was without a doubt the most athletic one on the field.  We played 2 on 2 and I volunteer to take the little guy on my team (he was probably like 16, 5’7”, a buck thirty as most, and rather uncoordinated.  I ended up having 5 interceptions from our “quarterback” JD.  While on offense I kept telling my teammate to just throw it up and I’ll catch it.  Which worked.  Pathetic, but that’s how brutal our team was.  I’m only 5’11”, so for me to just go up and get it with no problem speaks volumes to the caliber of players I possess on my newly acquired flag football team.  Granted, it was muddy since it rained that morning, so there were a lot of errant throws… or so I thought that was the reason.

Then came Sunday, the games.  First of all, this JD character tells me that our game is at 3:30.  Nope, we don’t play until 4:30.  Awesome.  Kristin appreciates that.  We could have spent another hour finishing the Chiefs game… err, watching Pretty Little Liars?  Anyway, Kristin is a trooper through all this.  The good news is she got some sun (this albino family needed it) and there were a TON of people there so she got to do one of her favorite things… people watch!  But, I wanted to give Kristin a shoutout for putting up with all of JD’s shenanigans and not complain once about being there for over 3 hours and watching me play ball (with the worst team in the league).  So thanks, love!

So our first game is delayed because JD can’t find a set of flags that fit around him. This JD character sits a staggering 5’8” and carries over 260 plus pounds with him.  There’s a lot of people who talk a big game… we ALL know people like that.  And usually, they fail to impress.  But this guy… this guy is without question the worst I’ve ever dealt with. He talks SO much game and I have never seen anyone under perform up to their own standards and then talk about how amazing they played… seriously…. MIND BLOWN!  There aren’t words… None.  So we spend 10 minutes trying to find flags that fit and we end up having him tuck the two ends into his shorts. 

We are on offense first.  First drive, pick 6.  Awesome.  We’re down 7-0.  Great start to the game.  Next possession, they finally throw me the ball and we move down the field.  JD actually let Dakota throw the ball and he could get me the ball.  Though they were always behind me… I had a one handed catch and a diving catch, so I expected to be on SportsCenter later that night.  It never happened.  Turns out, if you’re on a team as bad as mine, they don’t show highlights.  The team we were playing actually took it easy on us.  When an opposing team starts encouraging your teammates, that’s NEVER a good sign.  We only lost by 2 TDs and it could have been times that.  I think the final was 31-18.

The second game wasn’t even worth it.  These guys were straight up legit.  We had 4 total players.  They had 4 players for offense and 4 players for defense.  Their QB had a wristband with plays and they ran all their trick plays on us (we’re an easy practice target)… with success.  Why?  Well, let me tell you a little bit about our defense.  First off, JD makes all the decisions.  He told us at practice, “You guys can give your opinions and suggestions, but I’m the coach so we’re going to do what I say, know what I’m sayin’?” (If you’ve seen the movie “We’re The Miller’s” and you know that kid that always says, “know what I’m sayin’?” after nearly every sentence, JD does the exact same thing.)   

So, JD wants to play safety on defense.  The SLOWEST guy on our team, decides to play safety… makes sense right?  On top of that, he chooses to not only play safety, but literally plays on our goal line… he’s FIFTY FIVE yards off the ball. And what do teams do?  They run a crossing route that beats the man coverage and they have nothing but green in front of them because there is NEVER safety help.  He can’t even prevent a TD.  So we’re handicapped on defense playing 3 on 4.  He is NO help… but you don’t question him, or you’re off the team.  His words.  Cool coach/leader, huh?  We lost our second game, 43-0.  It was called before the end of the game.  I did have an interception and a nice little one handed grab, but we got smoked.  After the game, a guy said to me, “Just keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll start clicking.”  I respond, “You know, I think that might actually be our problem, we need to make some changes.”  A few laughs ensued, but I was straight serious.  Changes or every game will be that bad.

JD texted me today and wants to practice tomorrow at 6:30pm.  Really?  You expect me to take a night away from my week to practice with you when you won’t even take a suggestion or do what’s best for the team and put someone at safety who knows how to actually play the position… or play a zone? You spend half your time speaking volumes about your talent and how we need to step up.  You tell me to stop juking and just run straight when juking is what got us one of our only couple touchdowns? Yeah, I’ll show up on game day and work my ass off.  And you best believe I will speak my mind about the defense and how the offense is ran.  Someone needs to take charge who knows what they’re talking about.  If you want to kick me from the team, please, be my guest… I’m sure you have players in line waiting to play with a superior talent like yourself.  No really, he says that this is the case, that “we’re lucky to be on his team because he has a ton of players looking to play on his team.”

I like Dakota… he’s decently athletic and knows the game and agrees with the changes we need to make.  I hope next week we can convince JD that changes need to be made.

This basically turned into a rant, but I’m sure the majority of you who actually got through this wouldn’t even play next week.  I honestly enjoy playing and getting the great cardio… so despite the embarrassment of a team I’m a part of, I’m always committed to continue to do me and playing hard and showing top tier sportsmanship that I have always prided myself on for years.

Lastly, if you’re in KC or have a boyfriend or know of someone who would like to look into forming any sort of rec team for any sport, I would love to be a part of it.  I’m looking for different activities, though basketball and flag football will be my go to sports.  I just love being active.  So I’m sorry for all the negative comments (though they were only aimed on one individual who makes it very hard to respect through his comments and attitude), but thanks for listening.

-Mr. Deal

Sunday, September 22, 2013

...but what does it do?

More like "but what is this for?"

I've been a long time blog lover (Xanga anyone?) and for the past several years I've been a blog writer. Nothing too cool or extravagant, but enough to seal some of those memories of mine on the inter-webs forever. You think "there's no way that I could forget about that but I'll blog about it anyway" and BAM 6 months later, you're going through your old posts and thinking "man, I don't remember that." True story. It's happened to me. Plenty of times. Maybe that's my old age showing.

That's why I want to blog. To keep a personal memory book for myself and Kyle - to share our experiences with our friends and family who aren't around to put up with our sparkling personalities in person (what a tough situation to be away from us!) Something for us to be able to reflect on in the years to come- for those memories to be preserved (even the little insignificant stuff! Who doesn't want to know what I had for lunch!?) 

Ky and I both had personal blogs before we started dating, and we had discussed combining into a blog that was already established, but it felt more personal to share this experience with something new. Something ours. Something that we could navigate together. And it's certainly already been an adventure. I haven't done any HTML coding in a VERY long time, so even figuring out how to add pictures took months. Months guys. No lie.

But here we are! I won't ramble on forever like he does. I'm pretty straight forward with my writing, but you better believe that I'm going to bomb you guys with awful phone pictures at every turn. I would say it's a gift, but I'm pretty sure that would be an insult to anyone who actually knows how to navigate a phone camera (I am not included in this exclusive club). Haters gonna hate.

So come over and hang out with us! We'll take awful phone pictures of you (only if I'm the one behind the camera, um, phone) and we'll post them on our blog and our families will see them. You're welcome.

A New Beginning

I start this blog with absolutely no idea what to write about.  By the time I’m done here, I’m sure I will have said plenty and hopefully kept your attention for even just a moment.  So to those who are reading this out of loyalty, I thank you… and to those who don’t really know me… Hi… I’m Kyle.  I stand just nearly 6 foot tall.  I say “nearly” because both my brothers have reached or eclipsed the 6 foot plateau. Cody, my twin, stands 6’4” and Lucas, the eldest,  stands right at 6’.  Though, Lucas just turned 30 which means he automatically loses an inch in height, right?  As soon as his birthday hits, he just shrinks… and then he loses about an inch every decade after?  I thought that was always the rule of growing old… you shrink. 

Speaking of being old…. I’m 27 years of oldness.  But my body is practically 60.  I don’t really feel like I’m exaggerating here at all. As I lie in bed hearing the strokes of the keyboard as I type and the Kansas City police sirens in the background, I have aching joints that I have somehow become accustomed to.  Oddly enough, my left knee is not one of them.  For those who don’t know, I tore my ACL in my left knee, so I always assume it would give me aching problems regularly, but to be honest, it’s never really that bad.  But you should see me in the morning.  When I wake up, I normally stretch (which I assume is a pretty popular action in the morning with all of you, yes?) and when I extend my left leg, it twitches uncontrollably.  It always scared me at first, but now I look forward to it.

So let’s get to the point I meant to make.  My aching joints.  Over 10 months ago, I thought I had hurt my groin because I was having issues in that region when I would run.  Which, by the way, is a regular thing and most likely the root to all my problems, but alas, I’m still running.  I went to the doctor as it had become rather unbearable.  Doc told me I actually had a pulled hip flexor and it’s something he sees with runners.  Shocking! (Sarcasm… you’ll have to get used to that, I use it regularly....) But, Doc told me to take it easy for 2 weeks and not to do ANY running.  Much to my chagrin, I obliged.  But it never really got any better and here I am, 10 months later and I’m lying in bed with a constant ache.  It’s annoying, but I get by.  And a more recent development would be that of my left hamstring.  How do I know it’s my hamstring you might ask?  Well, I don’t know at all.  Complete guess.  But it’s on the back of my leg… right below the butt at the top of my leg… feels like a muscle pull.  This has been going on for several months…. Oh life and old age!

Well, I suppose I should update you on my life (or tell you more about me for those who don’t know me). I moved from El Dorado, KS where I had previously lived for the last 9 years.  It’s crazy to think that I actually lived there that long.  7 of those years I spent working at Verus Bank.  I definitely loved my job, my co-workers, and the customer base, but six months ago I took a leap of faith and moved to KCMO.  I knew it was going to be a big change and have quite the adjustment period… but I feel I have handled it quite nicely.  Two things made the transition extremely difficult.  The first being the fact that my daughter just moved with her mother to Wichita and I would only be seeing her on weekends.  Whether I was in El Dorado or Kansas City, that transition was going to be rough on the both of us.  The second was finding a job.  I stressed out, and I’m sure Kristin can attest to this, rather frequently, but she just kept reiterating that I would have employers knocking on my door.  I just never believed her, seemed a bit farfetched to me.  But as all females love to hear…. She was right.  By the time I accepted my position for the wonderful company I work for now, I had multiple job offers and even had a guy call me multiple times seeing if they would be able to best the offer. I’m definitely not gloating or trying to toot my own horn, but it was a great feeling to feel wanted by employers… just took longer than I wanted.  I was out of work for 2 weeks total… that’s not long at all…. But I would have preferred to have a job immediately.  

So it’s safe to say I am now settled in and living the city life for the first time ever.  And I absolutely love it.  I’ve been here for nearly 6 months, and it’s been quite glorious.  And I’m looking forward to my future as it unravels even further.

I did mention Kristin in that last (I’m sure way too long) paragraph.  Who is she?  Well, she’s actually the other half of the blog.  But I’m just being selfish and only talking about myself (sarcasm again, I hope you’re getting a feel for how I write/talk/communication).  Kristin, Kristin, Kristin…. Where do I begin?  Beautiful girl, five foot two and a quarter, long hair, and works for a local hospital in the KC Metro. So yes, Kristin will be talked about regularly.  I will most likely write the majority of the blogs, but she is half this blog.  So if you feel I’m not talking about her or for her enough…. Please express your thoughts on the comments below. 

Now how many of you like the title of the blog?  We got all creative and shit.  So if you need any creative ideas… DO NOT come to us.  I don’t think you realize how long it took us to come up with something creative (months... not days).  Plus, putting Kristin on the spot to think of anything is NEVER a good idea.  And when I say “NEVER” I don’t mean she’s going to murder you… she just goes blank when put on the spot.  Which is ironic because she has quite a witty and creative mind…. You’d think she’d be great with those things, right?

I think that I’m going to be done for this entry.  I don’t want to make the entries too long (though many will say this is that way) and I want to save some thoughts and ideas for later.

*takes out phone to write down thoughts currently swirling around in head*

The next entry I’m sure will consist of some pictures of our master bedroom renovation.  And then I’m sure some ramblings of mine.  I’m always up for suggests on different topics to ramble about.  So please give us suggestions for topics to discuss and we’ll tackle those at some point in the near future.

And Kristin will write her own posts as well as some joint posts, so don’t be discouraged if you came here to read her entries and there aren’t any at the moment.

I will write about sports as well as I’m a huge sports fan.  So many different topics I am looking forward to covering and discussing with you all.  And for all the people that are reading this who are Kristin’s friends… thanks for reading and I hope I kept you slightly entertained.  Seriously, if you smiled or was slightly intrigued at any point during the post, then I feel I’m successful.  Well hell, if you’re even reading this, then it’s a miracle!  I seem to get long winded and stretch out blog entries.

I said I was going to end this 4 paragraphs ago…. Oops.

- Mr. Deal