Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hospital Recovery

I was going to write about our horrible (awful, terrible) recovery process in the hospital, but I've decided to let go and let God! So instead, here are some lovely pictures! :)

First time holding her

Going home outfit


The whole reason we named Emerson, Emerson, was so that we could call her Emmy Kate.

Ask us how many times we've called her that?

Twice. And it sounded weird.

Here's a list of nicknames for our little one that have actually stuck:

Slim (Slim Shady - get it? EMinEM?)
Marshall (see above)
Wiggle Biggle (my absolute favorite)
Darling - the weird thing about this one is I only call her my darling when I'm putting her back down after her dream feeding sessions. Meh. It works!

Whatcha think?

Little Lovie Picture Update

Someone just woke up...

Mommas girl - no question. Poor daddy

Sometimes the grumpy baby finally sleeps!

2 Months

14lbs 2oz
23 inches long
15.5 inch head circumference
Still in the 98% for weight!! Healthy chunky baby!!

Holy bajezus our baby is two months old!!

I know I'm going to start off every monthly post like this, but I can't believe how fast she's growing!!

She's officially discovered her tongue, so we have a little lizard 98% of the day. She has also really gown fond of kicking - which is the BEST when she's taking a bath. She LOVES the water. It's so sweet. She can also smile at you too! Emerson is definitely a momma's girl though - I'm certainly not complaining!

She's been sleeping though the night since week 4 and will dream feed when I wake up and need her to nurse. It's the best!

Little Lovie Picture Updates

So full of personality.

Boob juice does the baby good!