Friday, January 31, 2014

Nursery Ideas


Maybe one navy accent wall (for a boy) where the crib will be?

DEFINITELY want the poofs in a corner, regardless of the baby's sex. 
I'm getting these if it's a girl. No question.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Week 12

How far along? 12 weeks and 1 day

Sorry about the poor lighting (I feel like this is a common apology). I'm 12 weeks and 6 days in this picture and I didn't realize I was missing this picture until late at night. Whoops! So you don't get a natural light picture. 

How big is baby? He's the size of a plum! 

Total weight gain/loss: I haven't checked lately. I'm a little afriad, but at least 4 pounds. 

Maternity clothes? Today was the first day that I had to break out the belly band! There I was, minding my own business getting dressed in the morning, and I put on my pants... Well, Kind of. I put them on but they feel a little... uh, snug. That's a good word for it. I had a straight up muffin top going on.Odd. My pants fit yesterday... So in the midst of my near panic I realize, 'Uh, duh! Belly band! YES!" SO I break that baby out, put it on, and then Kyle tells me how I'm really supposed to wear it. Oh. Okay. Whatevs. I don't need new pants... yet.

Sleep: UGH! So rough. I just need more sleep! I stayed up late last night since Ky played a 930 game in Overland Park (which is quite the drive for those of you that don't know) and I am now regretting every second of it. SO TIRED. I also have a co-worker who is super sick and I have a feeling that I may have caught what she has. 

Best moment this week: I went out to dinner with my oldest friend and my sister last night. It was so much fun! I haven't laughed until I cried in such a long time. AND we started working on planning the gender reveal. 

Movement: Still not yet

Food cravings: Still not a grilled chicken lover, but I am into hot pockets. Those are always nice. I bought the ingredients I need to make my own at home, but finding the energy to do so seems impossible. 

Food aversions: Popcorn. I can't STAND this stuff and it seems like everyone at work is really into it. GROSS.

Gender: Girl?

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: I'm hungry ALL of the time, I've been having dizzy spells. FOR EXAMPLE, we went to the library - pretty normal and not at all a strenuous activity - except when you're pregnant. I walk over to grab my audio book and all of a sudden I realize that my heart is racing and I'm having a hard time breathing. Weird. Then comes the tunnel vision and the overwhelming sensation that I'm going to fall. Okay, fun. I didn't end up falling (thank you Mr. Deal) but it was still a very scary situation. I also feel like I sweat a lot more, which is gross. my coworkers do not appreciate this.

Belly button in or out? still in. Hasn't made it's move yet.

What I miss: Sushi. Having energy.

What I am looking forward to: CRUSING!

Upcoming appointments/events: Cruise next week and a doctors appointment two days after we get back.

Milestones: I didn't eat Ramen Noodles every day!! (Just most days)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week 12 Thoughts

Being pregnant does fun things to your body.

Let me make a list of things that have made me cry this week:

I sobbed at work because I watched this video. Intense apparently. Maybe because Kristen Bell is my favorite?

Puppy love. Probably because of my new puppy.

I NEEDED toast yesterday at work. NEEDED IT. And no one had bread. Rough.

Today I've had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and I can't wait to go home and make more. Life is good.

An upside to pregnancy is that it is perfectly acceptable for me to not button my pants. No one cares! Because I'm growing a baby. Funny how that works.

I no longer enjoy spaghetti (it's been my pregnancy staple) and mashed potatoes are on the outs.

Just watched the video again. Still cried.

Pregnancy makes you crazy.

Monday, January 27, 2014

From one to two...

Oh the joys of dog ownership.

I mentioned to Kyle that since we weren't going to be going on any trips any time soon after the cruise, and that we could possibly start looking into get another dog (this is something we've been wanting to do for quite some time). Well, Kyle took that as, we're getting a dog, and we're getting it TOMORROW!


So off he searches. I meant it more as a 'let's start looking, but we aren't in any kind of rush to make a decision' kind of thing - especially since we are still going on a trip and I don't want to board two dogs. Has anyone else noticed how expensive that is!? I mean there's no price on the care you give to your pets, but SHEESH, $50 per pet, per day... We'd be broke! No more monies! Kyle took it as 'so, we're getting a dog tomorrow.'


Kyle was interested in every dog he saw - and I was hesitant. Then I showed him (do no visit unless you have your heart prepared to be broken, then shattered, then walked on by a million tiny little puppy feet. :( I wanted them all! And so did Kyle. But ever pet he brought to my attention wasn't what I was looking for, so I put it off. "We'll talk about it tomorrow." Kyle was not happy. THEN, he showed me Macy. Let me preface this by saying I didn't care what kind of dog we wanted, but I did not want a puppy, and I did NOT want any kind of terrier. What does he show me? A terrier puppy mix and I completely fell in love! Once glance at this adorable little thing and I said yes.

We filled out the application and heard back the very next day. We had the phone interview and took Coop to meet with Macy the next evening.

The playdate went.. well. Macy and Coop had very little interaction, but I did fall in love with a cat. Kyle veto'd that quickly. Rude

I was really hesitant about this pooch because she was a little assertive to Coop and my first reaction was to say "oh no thank you, ma'am. That is not how we treat others." And then I did say that - and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. But Macy understood. She got me right away. #imaboss #alreadybonded

She was having surgery on Wednesday and the decision was made that we would pick her up on Friday to ensure we had the entire weekend to supervise the dogs play together and make sure it was a good match.

Two days later I am happy to report that it's a perfect match! I assumed there would be an adjustment period for her to get comfortable, but she settled right in. She loves it here! She is one happy pup. Cooper isn't too sure what to think. I can tell that he's getting a little jealous, but then again, I think he's secretly liking having someone to swing toys in front of his face to taunt him endlessly.

He likes it.

Sweet girl snuggled up in bed with mom and dad.

She made herself right at home on Coopers bed - he did NOT understand. 

All of the cuteness in this picture kills me!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Spring has SPRUNG!

The high is 63 today! Spring is here!! FINALLY! (I say this just one month into "winter")

Just kidding, the high is 14 degrees tomorrow. I know. I'm hating life too little puppy.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Genius Things

Sometimes, Kyle comes up with really great ideas. Ideas my small little brain isn’t even capable to understanding. We were discussing that I really would like to be able to drink milk at work but I didn’t want to take an entire gallon (or even a half gallon for that matter). So he says (in a matter of fact tone) “Why don’t you put the milk in a cup, and then take that cup with you to work?”

Wait. What?

That’s a genius idea! Why didn't I think of that? Now I feel like a jackass because he literally had to spell it out to me. Well, maybe not LITERALLY, but he walked me through the process. Okay. Totes embarrassing.

Put the milk in a mason jar and carry it to work. No spill! Phenomenal! I shall take it! So now I carry around my mason jar full of milk and people look at me like I’m crazy. But you know what? I don’t even care. Shit is genius.

They’re probably pissed they didn't come up with the idea (you know, like I am).

Lesson learned: Sometimes it pays off to listen to your man – occasionally they’ll surprise you! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Week 11

I was trying to figure out why this picture looked different than the others. FINALLY figured it out. I've used natural lighting in every other picture. Duh. If I take another belly shot picture this week, I'll upload it. If not, this is what you get for week 11. :)
How far along? 11 weeks and 1 day!

How big is baby? The size of a LIME! Yes, I get THAT excited every week when we graduate to a new fruit. It's a lime! That's SO big compared to last week.

Total weight gain/loss: 3 lbs it seems. I feel like I should have had a little bit of morning sickness so this didn't happen!! Apparently I'm only allowed to gain 22 more pounds for the rest of my pregnancy. On that note, I'm going to eat my second breakfast that consists of a Hot Pocket. 

Maternity clothes? I INSISTED to Ky that we go buy a belly band two weeks ago. I was in total despair that ONE pair of my jeans didn't fit right and that I needed to buy this band to feel better about myself. How many times have I worn said band? Well, it's actually still in the box. And my jeans fit still. It was just an off day. I'm noticing now that my work pants feel a little snug when I sit for too long - so I unbutton them at my desk. And forget to button them back up when I leave my desk. Meh. I'm pregnant. #idowhatiwant

Sleep: Not doing too bad. Falling asleep before 10 and waking up around 6 with normally only one bathroom break. I'll take it. 

Best moment this week: I heard the heartbeat yesterday at my appointment!! 164! SUPER exciting. 

Movement: Still nothing for me to feel yet. It's still too little. 

Food cravings: Hot Pockets are a major craving - and Mac N Cheese - but only the shapes kind. It doesn't really matter to me what the shapes are, but they definitely have a different texture and flavor that I'm really into. 

Food aversions: Chicken. I can do raw chicken, cooking chicken, fried chicken, but certainly NOT cooked/baked/grilled chicken. So gross. 

Gender: Still feeling like it's a boy, but I'm confident that it's a girl. #momlogic

Labor Signs: Nothing. I'm sure these will be coming sooner than I think (I mean, obviously I have MONTHS to go) but whatevs. 

Pregnancy symptoms: I get a headache fairly often, fatigue, constant hunger, and I'm a teeeeeny tinnny bit more sensitive - says my significant other. But what does he know anyway!? He's never grown a child. Just kidding. He's wonderful. I really am ridiculous sometimes. Blame it on the hormones. 

Belly button in or out? In.

What I miss: Eating at Mr. Lee's sushi. Roller coasters. Not getting motion sickness.

What I am looking forward to: Sushi. Eel. Penguins. I don't even know. Glad we're on the same page. 

Upcoming appointments/events: February 13th. Wa-hoo! I'll be 15 weeks. Which means we should find out the sex at 19 weeks in March. We also finalized our babymoon!! Kyle has NEVER left the country and in fact, has only been to 4 states (3 of which he's lived in.) SO I've been planning this cruise for a while and I was going to surprise him, but this just seemed WAY better. A babymoon AND it's right before his birthday (which also happens to be Valentines day - which is annoying because I want to take him out to eat and spoil him like CRAZY on his birthday, but it's so hard to do because everyone and their mother [um, dates] is out. We shall celebrate the weekend after I suppose...)

Milestones: Well, I cried the other day at Wal-Mart. Because I was tired. Yes folks, because I was tired. And it was only 630. I was so beyond ready to be done walking. After 3 pee breaks and having to walk to the back of the store each time, I was just done. We're walking to the check out counter and I stop, Ky asks what's wrong and I start tearing up about being SO tired and not wanting to walk any farther. He thinks I'm crazy. He says that he knows it's just my hormones - but I'm not convinced that he's not planning his escape until I give birth/my hormones even out.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week 10

How far along? 10 weeks!

How big is baby?

Total weight gain/loss: I haven't stepped on a scale, and I don't want to. Kyle keeps reminding me that I'm pregnant and not fat, but it looks like I ate a few too many cookies. Since I haven't had any morning sickness/nausea, I'm realizing that those spaghetti-o's and 2nd breakfast calories do in fact count.

Maternity clothes? I bought a belly band. I wore jeans this week and thought I was going to die - and they have always been a bit big on me. :( Even with them unbuttoned I was uncomfortable. I've been pricing maternity leggings since mine look AWFUL on me right now. I can't justify spending 30 bucks on something that isn't even considered pants. I'm hoping someone will take pity on me and purchase them for me. But if it's Kyle, he better not get the wrong size. I would murder him for thinking I was fatter than I really am (another beautiful example of hormone mania that has hit this household). 

Sleep: It's never enough. Ever. I think my best sleeps times are from around 1130-9 am. When I get that schedule, I always feel well rested. Must be the rhythm my body is in.

Best moment this week: Finally deciding to go with a different provider. Have a picked a new one? Nope. I will eventually. 

Movement: Still too little, but from what I've read, he's kicking and waving up a storm in there!

Food cravings: Lots of things! Turkey sandwiches (so depressing that I can't have it), spinach salads, ranch dressing, avocado, and character shaped mac n cheese.

Food aversions: white rice (now THIS is a shocker - this was a fan favorite pre-pregnancy, now I can't stand it - and don't even think about showing me anything resembling a cooked piece of chicken. I will throw up on you. 

Gender: Still no idea. I've been switching back and forth, but Ky and I are both thinking boy this week.

Labor Signs: No.

Pregnancy symptoms: Food cravings and serious aversions. I get exhausted walking up the stairs, or actually any type of walking wears me out. I've got a bit of a spout of pregnancy brain - I left my badge on my desk for the first time ever, and was at the mercy of other people to get through locked doors (in Hospitals, it now seems like EVERY door has a lock on it...) and today I completely forgot to wear a coat (I still have no idea how this happened since it's SO cold outside) and I forgot to put on stockings - I've worn stockings every day since I started my job. Why would today be any different!? WHO KNOWS!?

Belly button in or out? Still in.

What I miss: I've REALLY wanted sushi this week. The things I love, I can actually have since they're cooked, but there's that fear of cross contamination. So even though my sushi roll is perfectly safe to eat, there's no guarantee that it didn't come in contact with a raw fish, or its juices. Depressing, I know. Someday my friend. Some. Day. 

What I am looking forward to: I'm just enjoying the ride! I've been so blessed thus far and I can't wait for every new adventure! 

Upcoming appointments/events: I'm supposed to have an appointment next week, but I think I'll put it off another week. We'll see how long it takes me to pick a new provider!

Milestones: I only cried a handful of times this week! (Granted today is the first day of week 10... I had an epic meltdown this morning because I left my 2nd breakfast at home - mac n cheese and a salad. Devastation) 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Week 9

How far along? 9 weeks!

How big is baby? The size of a green olive 

Total weight gain/loss: 1 pound officially. 

Maternity clothes? Nope! My pants are definitely getting a little (lot) snug lately. Not uncomfortable, but I'm pretty sure I'll be graduating to a belly band within the next month. 

Sleep: It depends on the night. Mostly okay. There's no warning for my exhaustion. It just hits. We went to a friends house for NYE and by 1015 I was done. DONE. By 12 I was begging Kyle to leave. It was absolutely miserable. I totally payed for staying up too late and slept most of the next day. 

Best moment this week: Getting in some me time and doing NOTHING. Literally, I did nothing. I started a book one evening, and finished it a few hours later. Glorious! 

Movement: Still nothing. 

Food cravings: Spaghetti. Spaghetti-o's. Potatoes. Spaghetti. Did I mention I really enjoy spaghetti? Onions. Last night I had Kyle run to the store to grab me a spicy chicken sandwich with onions. Lots of onions. Emphasis on the on extra onions. I was actually disappointed with the amount of onions on my sandwich - only like, a third of an onion. I want MOAR!! So onion appears to be something I enjoy.

Food aversions: Chicken. I can do the smell of raw chicken, and I'm even okay when it's cooking - but after that? Done. Nope. No thank you. I do still enjoy chicken nuggets and fried chicken, so Popeyes is still my best friend. 

Gender: I'm thinking boy. 

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Pregnancy symptoms: Fatigue, I'm getting a little spacey. My feet and back hurt regularly. 

Belly button in or out? In.

What I miss: Sushi. Definitely a craving this week. With a side of spaghetti. 

What I am looking forward to: Picking out things to register for. I know I still have a long ways to go, but I like to do my research. I don't want to register for something that isn't really what I want because I wasn't informed of my choices. Kyle told me to go for it. 

Upcoming appointments/events: Few more weeks to go

Milestones: I told my boss this week!