Sunday, September 22, 2013

...but what does it do?

More like "but what is this for?"

I've been a long time blog lover (Xanga anyone?) and for the past several years I've been a blog writer. Nothing too cool or extravagant, but enough to seal some of those memories of mine on the inter-webs forever. You think "there's no way that I could forget about that but I'll blog about it anyway" and BAM 6 months later, you're going through your old posts and thinking "man, I don't remember that." True story. It's happened to me. Plenty of times. Maybe that's my old age showing.

That's why I want to blog. To keep a personal memory book for myself and Kyle - to share our experiences with our friends and family who aren't around to put up with our sparkling personalities in person (what a tough situation to be away from us!) Something for us to be able to reflect on in the years to come- for those memories to be preserved (even the little insignificant stuff! Who doesn't want to know what I had for lunch!?) 

Ky and I both had personal blogs before we started dating, and we had discussed combining into a blog that was already established, but it felt more personal to share this experience with something new. Something ours. Something that we could navigate together. And it's certainly already been an adventure. I haven't done any HTML coding in a VERY long time, so even figuring out how to add pictures took months. Months guys. No lie.

But here we are! I won't ramble on forever like he does. I'm pretty straight forward with my writing, but you better believe that I'm going to bomb you guys with awful phone pictures at every turn. I would say it's a gift, but I'm pretty sure that would be an insult to anyone who actually knows how to navigate a phone camera (I am not included in this exclusive club). Haters gonna hate.

So come over and hang out with us! We'll take awful phone pictures of you (only if I'm the one behind the camera, um, phone) and we'll post them on our blog and our families will see them. You're welcome.

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