Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 15

How far along? 15 weeks and 6 days

Ignore my weird face and look at that BUMP!

How big is baby? The size of an orange!! Jeez! 

Total weight gain/loss: Officially according to my doctors scale, 4 lbs. 

Maternity clothes? YES! I went out last week and finally bought a pair of maternity jeans. HOLY JEEZ what a difference they make. I had no idea. I was putting it off because I heard how depressing it is when your pants don't fit anymore, but your maternity clothes just look silly... WEEEEELL, guess what!? They fit! My belly is officially popped out and it's AWESOME! I wore my new jeans and maternity shirt to dinner and Kyle said "this is what you should be taking your weekly pictures in! You look pregnant!" Surprise! Honey I AM pregnant. Phew. Glad to have that off my chest. It's really nice to know that he still thinks I'm pretty though :)

Sleep: Sleep has been rough again this week. I'm super sick (with a cold...) and it's been miserable. I can't breathe, I get hot, I have a hard time getting enough air... It's rough. Plus we let Macy sleep in out bed (mistake, I know) but she kept having accidents and I was tired of cleaning them up. Now when she wakes up in the middle of the night, we have 4 little puppy paws on our faces letting us know she's ready for a potty break. #yep #thisisourlife

Best moment this week: Definitely hearing the heartbeat at our 15 week appointment. Still up in the 150's. It makes my heart sooooo happy when I hear my midwife say "it's perfect. You're doing an amazing job of keeping this baby happy and healthy. Good job momma." Tears. Everytime. I love our little bargain. The BEST part of it, Kyle was there. He's obviously not as emotional about it as I am (sue me) but he did get a kick out of listening to his heart beat. Oh, and my midwife also said there was nothing wrong with me eating Ramen Noodles. As long as the baby was happy, we're golden. Holla!

Movement: YEP! Totally felt it yesterday. I thought it was SUPER early to feel anything, but according to Google (my frienemy lately) I'm right on track. It didn't feel like popcorn popping or butterflies, it felt like... a mouse in my lower tummy. Just rolling around in there. Weird. BUT very, very cool. It was almost like an ultrasound wand going over my belly (but from the inside.) I can't wait to start feeling Bargain move around a little more. 

Food cravings: A turkey sandwich (which I can't have). That's what I've been craving HARDCORE and it's just so mean and hateful that I can't have it. I'm also wanting summer sausage. I asked if Kyle could pick some up at the store for me and he asked where it was in the store. I told him I had no idea and that it was just a craving I had. He came home WITHOUT SUMMER SAUSAGE. What.

He took that as it wasn't something I didn't really want because I didn't know where it was.


I'm still a little bitter about it, but I no longer have that craving (turkey sandwich is still high on the list) so I guess he can get off the hook for that one...

Food aversions: Food just doesn't sound very good to me. I'm not into Chinese food right now, and I'm kind of off of Mexican. Boo. I hope those come back because I really enjoy both of those.

Gender: In my heart I still feel like it's a boy, which is why I'm still convinced it's a girl. 

Labor Signs: I will probably die the second I actually start having labor symptoms. HOLY JEEZ.

Pregnancy symptoms: I'm moody and cry daily. I get upset at the silliest things, but as you mommas out there know, I legitimately can't help it. My hormones are crazy and I'm tired. I hear it only gets worse from here. YAY.

Belly button in or out? Still in. I wonder when this guy normally starts to pop out? Thankfully(?) I have a really deep belly button, so it I may get to keep my cute tummy for a few more weeks. Here's hoping. 

What I miss: Turkey sandwiches. Not crying every day. Being a nice person. Being able to breathe. You know, the usual. (Sushi)

What I am looking forward to: Signing up for pre-natal classes! I'm looking into the Bradley Method (it's a form of natural child birth preparation) but apparently it's totally different here than it is in South Carolina. In SC I had a provider picked out, my classes set (which ones I wanted to take) and the hospital (and please note this took place years before having a baby was even on my radar). BUT my midwife went to midwifery school (yep, that's a thing) in SC and has experienced the Bradley method here and says it's totally different. She said that she wasn't too worried about me taking the class here (but South Carolina was better for that) because I seemed to have an open mind, and I guess they are really big into OB bashing here. Who knows. I hope I don't have that type of experience, but I also have complete faith that if there is something wrong with me or the Bargain during labor, an OB will take great care of us. I trust my midwife to make the best prognosis and provide me with the information I need to make an educated decision. I will not be bullied into making a choice when it is not in the best interest for us or our labor. #endrant I am very thankful to have such a strong support system here.

Upcoming appointments/events: Another 4 weeks to go before our anatomy scan. :)

Milestones: I've been really sick this weekend and I survived. Barely. But I made it. Feeling worse today, but maybe that means I'll feel better tomorrow!?

Update: Turns out it was more than a cold and I actually have bronchitis! Sucky. She also said the symptoms are grossly overactive, and the best part is, I can't take any medication. This is fun. I no longer feel like such a wimp for whining about being so miserable. The doctor said that I would be in for a rough two weeks, and so far she's been right. 

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