Friday, November 28, 2014

Emerson's Christmas Wishlist

This is more of a list for Kyle and I to remember what we need for little miss. :) I'm sure I'll be updating it often as I come up with new ideas!

New Kitchen Inspiration

Our new kitchen should be officially finished by the middle of December! I am beyond excited!! I threw this stuff at my contractor and let him run with it! We've had several delays, but it looks like we're officially on track!!

These counter tops and white cabinets +wall color

Roll out drwaers

corner lazy susans!

Charcoal tile and subway tile backsplash

This oven

Another picture of the granite

Favorite Song Challenge

I wanted to make a list of my all time favorite songs so when I'm older I can look back and think, OH wow, I had no taste. I thought it was by a piece of cake, especially since none of them are really new. I'm pretty predictable. Buuuut as I'm making my list, I keep hearing songs that I love and had forgotten about. So much harder than I thought!

In no particular order:

Just Breathe – Pearl Jam

Swing Life Away – Rise Against

Quit Your Job – Jamie Foxx

The Scientist - Coldplay

Come to Me - Goo Goo Dolls

If You Want Me To - Ginny Owens

Euro Trash - Dead Country

The Last Kiss - Poison Kiss

Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap

Thirteen - Ben Kweller

Endlessly - Green River Ordinance 

Sweetest Little Face!

Little Lovie in Pictures


Besides give birth, this is hands down the coolest thing I've ever done! I pump a few times at work and normally get 20-25 oz extra a day. Since I produce enough milk for Em to always have fresh milk while at daycare, I freeze the rest. Well, eventually you run out of room in the freezer! So I was able to donate to a friend of mine who has a sweet little one! I'm SO thankful to be able to provide milk to someone who needs it. #feedallthebabies It's so exciting to see how much I can freeze. I hope to be able to donate long term!

Sometimes you have to get creative when you forget lids to your bottles. Whoops!

Just under 400oz donated!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kyle and Soph were in Wichita for Thanksgiving this year. We origianlyl thought that our kitchen would be in shambles so we thought it was a better idea for me and Em to stay home and for Ky and Soph to spend the holiday with Kyle's family. Well, it turns out that they didn't get to start on the kitchen this week and they didn't need to leave. :-/ It was a lonely holiday without the rest of our family, but we sure did enjoy Nana's and Papa's house!!

Falling asleep with Uncle Dean!