Friday, November 28, 2014

Parenthood Thus Far

I still despise sticky skin. I've given Emerson baths at 11 pm because "her feet were too sticky for me to sleep." Yes, you read that correctly.

I hate zipper sleepers. Hate them. With a passion. Dumb.

Speaking of sleepers, I stand by what I've said for the past 4 years or so - you can never have too many.

I can recognize every one of Emerson's cries. I get really frustrated with Kyle when he doesn't immediately react to Emerson's cry when she's clearly hungry or needs a diaper change, but I can see him looking quizzical when she cries and I make no motion to get her. Because she's just tired and fussy. Duh.

There is such a thing as an overly tired baby and you should do everything you possibly can to avoid getting there.

Nursing sucks sometimes. There are moments when I look at her and I know she wants to eat and I really just don't want to (I always do, but sometimes I have to coach myself to do so.) But on the flip side, knowing that my body is making everything my baby needs is REALLY, REALLY cool.

Babies are not meant to sleep through the night. They're programmed to wake every 3-4 hours as part of a survival instinct. It's healthy and normal. That being said my baby has been sleeping in 5-6 hour increments for weeks and I don't wake her. Normally she'll stir in her Rock and Play and that'll wake me up, so I'll get her and she'll dream feed.

I miss her, even when I'm in the same room with her. Even when it's just Kyle who's holding her. Sometimes you just want your baby. And that's okay.

Everyone has an opinion on everything. We're big on paced feeding, and others think we're crazy for not letting other people bottle feed Em. (If you have babies, YouTube this method! It prevents tummy stretching and over feeding.)

It's amazing what you read on the internet. Case and point: Web MD. You may actually feel like you're dying while recovering from giving birth (seriously thought I wouldn't make it) but it's all part of the process. (But seriously, it sucks.) No one tells you how horrible it can be.

Being a mom is seriously the greatest thing ever. But it's also hard. That being said, I can't imagine what life was like before her! (But really, recovery was horrible. I'm glad I chose to give the gory details on what it was like, because I know when I'm pregnant with out next one, I'll go back through and read the blog and think "WHY THE HELL DID I DECIDE TO DO THIS AGAIN!?" So hopefully I'll forget everything and it'll be wonderful!)

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