Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 25

How far along? 25 weeks! Because this took so long for me to post, you get 4 pictures!!! One for every day I was late :) I had the post ready to go, but I hadn't uploaded the pictures yet. You are welcome!

I need to stop wearing my regular shirts.

I have that hilarious gap at the bottom of my shirt that was not there pre-pregnacy. 

Kyle wanted in on my selfie.

So did Macy. There's a picture of Coop in the background too, but I don't look, um, nice, so this is the one you guys get! 

How big is baby? The size of cauliflower. Noms. 

Total weight gain/loss: Probably closer to 22 lbs now. If I gain how I'm supposed to, I have another 15 to go, which is a little over what I had hoped to stay at. Whoops! I like food. 

Maternity clothes? Yep. Just need some new shoes to wear with all of these dresses I have. 

Sleep: ROUGH! I've been feeling pretty yucky lately and there's a bug going around - I'm fairly confident that I caught it. It SUCKS. Hardcore. I don't like it. But what can you do? I've also been sick this week so I've been having a really hard time breathing (bronchitis is fun) so I'll wake up with a start trying to gasp for breath. It's awful. So of course waking up and you can't breath is scary so I get kind of worked up and Kyle has to talk me off my ledge and get me back to sleep. Great man that Mr. Deal. 

Best moment this week: I woke up in the middle of the night with a HORRIBLE charlie horse. And I didn't wake up when it was starting, I woke up RIGHT in the middle. So of course I'm panicking because I have no idea who's stabbing me in the leg at 3 am and I can feel my blood pressure rising and the pain is HORRIBLE because I wasn't expecting it. So I'm trying not to cry and make it go away when I remember that I read something about this - the Bradley method (our birthing method) focuses on relaxing during a contraction, rather than tensing up because of the pain and charlie horses are the PERFECT time to practice this. YES! Okay, I can do this. So I calmly climb out of bed, take a deep breath, and stand up. The pain immediately goes away as soon as I relax!! So I'm leaning on the wall taking deep breaths and that just happens to wake Kyle up. He asks if everything is okay (clearly it's not) and I quickly explain to him what happened when I relaxed and it was amazing and wonderful and maybe that's what labor will be like! His response is "Um, I'm pretty sure that's not quite how it works, but we can definitely work towards that." Oh how I love that man. 

Movement: Yep and it's AWESOME! My favorite thing is to make Kyle hang out with his hand on my belly to feel those movements. He's felt a couple of solid kicks, but most of the time when I ask if he felt that he says "I think so." I'll take it I suppose. 

Food cravings: Not really craving anything. Still happy with whatever. Oh, just kidding. I'm really into Frozen Yogurt right now. To be more specific, Culver's Frozen Yogurt Turtle Sundae. Um, yes. Please. It is so worth the 600 calories. Still turkey sandwiches - especially since I've been sick. That's really all I've wanted, and I won't allow myself to eat it. But last night Kyle and I went grocery shopping at Target (to price compare) and we found nitrate free lunch meat (and hot dogs!) OMG! I cannot WAIT to get home to devour that. I would have had a sandwich last night but I was too tired once we got home. I took a shower and immediately got into bed. Ugh. 

Food aversions: Nada

Gender: Girly girl

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: I have a witching hour - from 8-9pm. I am just straight up hateful. It's because I'm so tired. I'm fine as long as we're home, but if we're out - pheweee watch OUT! We were having a grand ol' time last night but all of a sudden, I was done. Mentally and physically done. 

Belly button in or out? Still in - looking a little flatter these days. 

What I miss: Not being tired all of the time, sleeping through the night, not being as cranky (let's be honest, I'm ALWAYS cranky). 

What I am looking forward to: NOT my glucose test. Hitting my third trimester next week. WOOT!

Upcoming appointments/events:Still a few weeks to go! 

Milestones: I survived the week! 

Hilarious moment that was not funny when it happened but it is funny now: So Kyle and I decided to take Sophie out for surprise ice cream after her bath - not something I would normally be up for, but in the case, it was actually my idea!! (Probably a craving). So we hit up DQ and I order a Turtle Sundae. They make me a blizzard. Um, no. Not what I asked for. So Kyle gets me a new one. Again, not what I ordered. THEY PUT SHELL ON TOP OF MY ICE CREAM INSTEAD OF HOT FUDGE!? Seriously? That is not what I asked for. That's just disgusting. No. So I refuse to eat it and the ice cream tastes horrible (I just don't like DQ ice cream.) I'm really not an ice cream fan at all, but it is what it is I suppose. Now we know that we only go to Culver's for my 600 calorie treats. 

1 comment:

  1. I would have to say my favorite part of this story is the trip to DQ. Because I would throw a sundae with shell on it back through the window (probably not because I'm scared of consequences, but in my mind I would)
