Thursday, May 15, 2014

Week 27

How far along? 27 weeks and 6 days!! 

How big is baby? The size of a rutabaga! Fun word, odd vegetable. 

Total weight gain/loss: 20 lbs... EEK! I really haven't changed what I've been eating, and for the most part I've been eating healthier (with the exception of my trip to Culvers for ice cream twice a month.)

Maternity clothes? The washer is still broken (yeah, I'm annoyed too) so I've had to become REALLY creative with my wardrobe. But yes, still rockin' the bump clothing.  

Sleep: Still good - but getting out of bed is BRUTAL (not the waking up part, but literally the rolling out of bed is getting more challenging. 

Best moment this week: I ran to Babies R Us to work on our registry for Emmy - and it was a lot of fun! I spent a lot of time hanging out in the gliders trying to figure out what I wanted and how much to spend. That's kind of a daunting task. I'm sure I won't spend much time in the glider in the first few months (what up co-sleeping!) but after that it would be nice for late night feedings.

At my doctors appointment I was measuring a week ahead, which is normal. We have a pretty good window for a our conception date, so my due date is fairly accurate. I asked her how long she would let me go before having me induced and she said that it was pretty much up to me, but they wouldn't allow past 42 weeks. That makes my heart so happy! I definitely want to give this kid some extra time to cook (again, I'll probably be changing my tune come July) if need be. I love being on the same page with her!! It just makes everything feel better. 

Movement: Like CRAZY! Kyle will put his head on my stomach and Em just kicks and kicks. My heart swells just watching it - she enjoys her personal space and the weight of his head is taking up too much of her room in there.  I had my appointment yesterday and my midwife asked if I knew where the head was vs the bottom, to which I had no idea) so she starts feeling and Emmy was not havin' it. She would rather be left alone in there thank you very much!!

Food cravings: Pancakes with strawberry syrup. Hardcore! And my breakfast this morning consisted of a Brown Sugar Cinnamon Poptart with guacamole - again, definitely a pre pregnancy food combination, but it was delicious. 

Food aversions: Eggs and shredded chicken.

Gender: Girly girl.

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks are a daily occurrence. 

Pregnancy symptoms: So irritable and irrational, but then I have times when I feel I am totally justified in what I'm feeling and Kyle disagrees. So it's hard to find that line. Just be nice to me. I'm pregnant and hormonal.

Something I've been super surprised I haven't experienced yet is constipation. That's been high (REALLY HIGH) on the list of things my friends warned me about. Maybe it's still coming? But I've been extremely lucky so far. I drink about a gallon of water a day (with the exception of this week - this week was bad H2O wise, but I'm getting back on track!). I also didn't mention this earlier, but I definitely have that line down my stomach. For some reason I thought it would show up on my top half? But I was wrong - it's my lower tummy. Thanks Em! 

Belly button in or out? Still in. Stetched! But in :) 

What I miss: Being able to get out of bed without grunting. 

What I am looking forward to: Getting more house stuff ready for Emmy's arrival!

Upcoming appointments/events: I'm officially going every TWO weeks now! HOW INSANE IS THAT!! (I'm doing this count out for my sake, not for yours, because I can't believe  how fast this is flying by!!) 30, 32, 34, 36, then weekly appointments. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41. WHHHHAAAAAT!? For realzies? This pregnancy is practically over. I'm not ready!

Milestones: I survived the glucose testing! I'm not going to lie, it was really rough for me. REALLY TOUGH. I went on Saturday morning and fasted (the OB I saw last time told me I didn't have to fast, but I don't like to eat when I wake up anyway) thinking it would be easier to just get it over with that way. The only flavor they offer is orange - I hate all things orange. I've always struggled with orange flavored things. So she's taking all of my information and I'm trying to drink this awful stuff while it's burning my throat and I'm being hateful (anyone surprised here? NO? Didn't think so ;) ) but I finished it. Thankfully I ran into a friend of mine there so the hour went by REALLY fast :) My only issue was when she went to draw my blood she missed my vein. Her exact words were "I could lie to you and tell you your vein rolled, but honestly I'm just tired." Oh okay. At least she's honest. So she spent about 90 seconds digging around in there trying to find it. Honestly, it didn't hurt at all! This woman had clearly been doing this for many years and knew what she was doing. Whenever I go to my PCP and they have to draw blood, the tech is HORRIBLE at it. I mean, BAD! I have no issues with needles or blood draws, but I always get so nauseous and lightheaded when she does it. I was talking to my friend about this at the lab and she goes to the same place and AGREED! Another girl in our Bradley Classes goes to the same PCP and she said the same thing! I'm glad it's not just me! I'm not crazy :) 

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