Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Week 28

How far along? 28 weeks 3 days

How big is baby? Eggplant - and I totally believe it. This kid is getting big! I can't believe that we evenutally get up to watermelon size. #theresnomoreroom

Total weight gain/loss: a solid 20 lbs. Sheesh.

Maternity clothes? Yep! But this weeks picture was taken in non maternity clothes! Holla. Since I've been wearing them while gaining weight, my guess is that they won't fit when I (eventually) get back to my pre-pregnancy size.

Sleep: Getting up multiple times to pee has started. It sucks. And it's annoying.

Best moment this week: Feeling Emmy move a lot more frequently. She is CRAZY active. It's fun and distracting. My favorite it laying in bed and watching her move around in there. And I've started on her nursery art. Originally I wanted to paint canvases with some of my favorite phrases, and then I remembered I can't paint. BUT Kyle can - and he has beautiful handwriting. So then I asked him to do it and he said that it wouldn't be exactly what I wanted. Unacceptable. SO I'm compromising and doing prints that I designed instead. I guess that's fine... :) I can't wait until the project is finished. I just have this VISION that I know will come together. 

Movement: It feels like she's vibrating in there. I seriously googled if babies could have seizures in the womb - turns out, they kind of can! I'll be adding this to my 'things to talk about' list with my midwife. 

Food cravings: Nothing in particular. I've become fond of gelato. 

Food aversions: Nada. I love everything (except popcorn. That's just gross)

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: Braxton hixing it up like nobody's business! I feel like I could write this on my resume.

Pregnancy symptoms: Still tired, officially peeing a lot. Same stuff, different day. 

Belly button in or out? IN! But I have a feeling it's going to be peeking out soon. Yay. And by yay I mean I hate everything. ;) 

What I miss: Raw fish. Having a memory that lasts longer than the time it takes for me to write a post it note. 

What I am looking forward to: Knocking out some of the tasks on my to do list! It's getting longer by the day... 

Upcoming appointments/events: I feel like I seriously overwhelmed myself with my to do list. I have a home to do list (house projects), a work to do list, and then my baby to do list (classes to take/register for, baby shower list, things to purchase ourselves, etc.) Sheesh. I'm constantly whining to Kyle about how much stuff we have to do before she gets here and I finally sat down with him this weekend and wrote out what we were going to do and on what date. His response "YOU WANT ALL OF THIS DONE BEFORE SHE GETS HERE!?" Yep. Get to it buddy! I told you. We shouldn't have procrastinated. So now we're on project overload with all of our lovely guests coming to visit! (Starting this weekend) 

Milestones: Another week down :) I am so thankful for a high school friend who reached out to me about a breastfeeding support group she's a part of. She mentioned how helpful it was to her and how it encouraged her to continue to do what she thought was best for her baby. YES! That makes me happy! I know that the choices Kyle and I have made regarding our child aren't necessarily what everyone would chose, but we made educated decisions and we're doing what we feel is best with an open mind. I couldn't ask for a better support system or loving mate to walk this journey with me. 

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