Thursday, May 29, 2014

Week 29

How far along? 29 weeks 6 days

How big is baby? The size of an acorn squash!

Total weight gain/loss: Pffffffftttttsssssshhhhhhhhh. I don't know. And I'm okay with that. It's totally depressing. 

Maternity clothes? Still getting creative (what up day 24 of not having a washing machine...) SCO and I went shopping this weekend and I was trying on maternity clothes (obviously) and I just happened to be (mostly) naked and looking at my profile in the mirror - HOLY HELL I am getting huge. From the front I love my little baby bump, but from the side - watch out! That sucker will take you out. And it's only going to get bigger. 

Sleep: UGH! I had my first (what I'm assuming) ACTUAL contraction. It wasn't pretty. I had already made the mistake of staying up later than I should have (I know better) and then all of a sudden my stomach started hurting - and it was like my entire stomach was contracting and it spread all across my body and around my back - so basically everything was uncomfortable and painful. I tried sitting, standing, laying, walking, squatting, and pelvic rocking - no go. Well, maybe it wasn't a real contraction, but it wasn't round ligament pain, and it definitely wasn't a Braxton Hicks contraction. I was finally able to lay down in a position that didn't want to make me kill someone, and relax. The pain didn't go away entirely but I was able to go back to sleep. CRAZY, right? Relaxing and giving in really works (thank you charlie horses for the practice! Or I should say thank you RLS). Labor should be fun (because I know it's going to hurt 10 trillion times more than it did last night).

Best moment this week: Finishing the master bathroom! HOLLA! It looks AMAZING! Pictures will be coming soon I'm sure. 

I also had a meltdown at the insurance company who is responsible for fixing the washer. It was pretty bad. They kept saying "You don't understand how this process works!" To which I would say "uh, excuse me!? Want to try that again?" I know. Hateful. But I was angry and hormonal. I finally called the distribution center (where the piece is supposedly waiting to be made, so it can be shipped to the people fixing it) and they told me they had 24 in inventory and they could ship it to me right away -there was never a back order. Uh, excuse me? YEP! So I called the company back and they're "investigating the situation." FRUSTRATING. Especially since I'm not paying for it (which, okay, I am thankful for) but at the same time, I would rather pay out of pocket and get it fixed than wait for someone else to get their sh*t together.) 24 days. If it's not here by Wednesday (the part) the insurance company will file a claim to replace the entire washer (completely unnecessary in my opinion) which will take 48 hours to review, and then another week to install. Seriously. I can get the part for $50 bucks and have it over nighted to me and it could be done TOMORROW, but that's not their policy. Right? Not happy about it either. 

Kyle also got braces. That's a big deal. 24-28 months. Yay. He looks 15, which means I look 30. Cool. 

Movement: Not as often as before sadly. She still gets me pretty good sometimes, but it feels like she's running out of room to do her flip turns, so she feels pretty stationary in there for the most part. She's big enough that anytime she moves I can see her through my clothes though, which is fun (and entertaining when it happens at work while I'm training). 

Food cravings: Not really anything. I had Popeyes this week (for the first time in a while) and honestly it was AMAZEBALLS! I just love that place. I know I'm one of the 5 people in the world that feels that way, but it's so darn delicious! I am thankful that I have low sodium and I am supposed to up my salt intake! Total justification. :) 

Food aversions: Nada.

Gender: She's still a shee

Labor Signs: Please see 'Best moment of the week' question.

Pregnancy symptoms: Holy hormones! I can't win. Kyle can't win. But you know who is winning? Emerson. Because this kid gets what she wants, when she wants it. We're creating a monster already. Sorry universe. It takes a village, right? Hopefully someone in that village can say no to this kid. 

Belly button in or out? IN! THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS! And with only 10 weeks to go, I'm still feeling hopeful. 

What I miss: Not wanting to rip everyone's face off 98% of the time. Again, poor Kyle. But at the same time, it's not hard to say "You're pretty, and I love you. Let me rub your back for you while you watch House." Seriously. Not hard. Figure it out. 

What I am looking forward to: I'm scheduling all of these appointments (with the maternity care coordinator, and some other classes on breastfeeding and such). That's kind of cool. Also terrifying because that means she's really coming. YIKES! And by the time I post the next weekly update, it will be June. After June comes July. After July comes August. And she's due and the beginning of August. What? That's seriously like tomorrow.

Upcoming appointments/events: Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday (sorry guys - do NOT youtube it if you don't get the reference. You'll hate me forever). 

Milestones: No ones life was ended because of my hormones. Check back next week... 

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