Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 26

How far along? 26 weeks and 4 days

How big is baby? Size of a head of lettuce (yuck!)

Total weight gain/loss: Whooo knows and whoooo cares!?

Maternity clothes? Yes, although those pants I am wearing in the picture on non maternity. Amazing what you can pull off when you have a broken washer with limited maternity clothes. If anyone suggests that I wash my own laundry by hand one more time, I will cut you. 

Sleep: I've had a few really good nights, and some REALLY bad nights as well. The heat has been MISERABLE, but again, I refuse to complain because I know this is just the tip of the iceberg (get it? Iceberg lettuce? Anyone? Anyone?)

Best moment this week: My favorite two year old's birthday party! Her mama is my oldest friend (18 years and counting) so it's always wonderful to see them. 

Movement: Roley poley oley! This kid is doing flip turns like CRAZY!

Food cravings: Nothing spectacular, just the regular 'everything sounds good.' I really wanted Mexican one night, and I haven't had Popeyes for weeks. I know, lame. 

Food aversions: Bananas that aren't super ripe. 

Gender: GIRL

Labor Signs: ... I've been dreading this day... But I've been having braxton hicks contractions like CRAZY lately. I know those aren't really labor signs, but it's kind of interesting feeling.

Pregnancy symptoms: I'm tired and grumpy. Hardcore motion sickness. Although I work for a hospital, my office is actually across the street at Crown Center, so the hospital provides shuttles (aka buses) back and forth - one of our normal drivers retired so we've had security filling in for us - and HOLY CRAP they drive SO fast and take turns at a ridiculously fast rate. It's annoying and I don't like it. 

Belly button in or out? Still in. 

What I miss: Not being grumpy all of the time. Having energy when I get off of work. Having clean clothes (thanks broken washer).

What I am looking forward to: Lunch.

Upcoming appointments/events: Glucose testing next week. YAAAAY. Not. 

Milestones: I made the second trimester my bitch! Now we're in the third and I am terrified. Can we rewind a little please? 

1 comment:

  1. You look gorgeous, mama! I miss you and I'm excited for you to make the third trimester your bizna!
