Thursday, July 10, 2014

Week 35

How far along? 35 weeks 6 days

Yikes!! Maybe it's just the dress? (Probably not...) 

How big is baby? Coconut sized!! (but she's actually 6lb 1oz!! and in the 50% percentile)

Total weight gain/loss: 2lbs at my last appointment! (not bad since it had been two weeks!)

Maternity clothes? YEP! Although when I'm home, I live in non maternity tank tops (Old Navy is my preferred tank because the arm pits are lower and Targets rub me the wrong way) and maternity shorts - which is kind of funny (and gross?) because I own one pair. And the ONE day I have to live without them because they're in the washer is miserable for all parties involved. 

Sleep: Meh. Still up 7-8 times a night to pee.

Best moment this week: I got to see little miss on an ultrasound! I'm not a huge fan of these things since there's been research that they aren't good for little ears, BUT we discovered that this kid has HAIR! WHAT!? This is foreign to me since I spent the first solid 4 years of my life without hair, but Kyle had hair so I guess she's taking after him. She is also "weighing" in at 6lbs 1oz! That's crazy to me since we still have a month to go. I was 6.5 and Ky was 6.14. When I told my midwife how big Kyle was (and that he was a twin) she was amazed! Apparently that doesn't happen very often! Big guy! :) The weight estimates can be off by about 2lbs, so we're looking at a 6-10lb baby if she goes until her due date. I secretly hope she's 10 lbs just so I can say she's I gave birth to a 10lb baby, BUT I also hope she's on the littler side since she has so many newborn clothing (thank you baby showers and mom!) 

Movement: Extremely predictable. She moves at the same time every day for the most part. Occasionally she'll throw me for a loop, but for the most part, she's consistent. She was NOT a fan of the fireworks on the 4th of July. She jumped (literally was startled) at every big boom. HILARIOUS! But I'm sure she was terrified in there. Just wait until next year my love - we'll have you lighting them off! (at 11ish months). Go ahead and judge us on our parenting ;) 

Food cravings: Not really craving anything this week, but I've eaten my weight in rice. It's always been a favorite of mine, but I've been off it for about 8 months. Now I remember how much I love it! DELICIOUS!! 

Food aversions: Nada surprisingly enough!

Gender: It was confirmed that she's still a girl!! 

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks like CRAZY for the past two weeks. I had Kyle feel my stomach for the first time during one and he was surprised at how hard it got. He said "it was already hard because there's no more room left in there! I didn't know it could get harder!" Surprise! It's getting real!! 

Pregnancy symptoms: Paranoia that I'm going to die during labor! And I'm having hardcore, intense dreams. I've woken up in sheer panic three nights in a row, and then I don't want to go back to sleep. Thankfully I get up to pee and then snuggle up next to Kyle, tell him I had a bad dream, and welcome the snuggles as I fall back asleep. I've also had this wonderful symptom of lightning crotch! She is giving my sciatic nerve a noogie and it makes my legs SUPER sensitive. Macy will bring me a toy to play with her and she'll put it on my leg and I'll scream. I do NOT like it. Obviously. Other than that, that's my only complaint about pregnancy this week! I've been beyond blessed with an amazing pregnancy, but I'm sure labor will be a shit show. (Ha, ha, ha?)

Belly button in or out? IN! I'm not sure it's going to stay in though (but we only have 4 weeksish left!). Hopefully the residual shingles pain isn't as bad as the nerve sensitivity I'm having in my legs. If it is... then... well, ouch. There's nothing I can do either way

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach. Having energy to do things around the house. Not needing to snack every 30 seconds! 

Upcoming appointments/events: I have another ultrasound appointment next Thursday (so the results from said appointment will show up in week 37's post) because my fluid was measuring low (which is scary, but I'm sure it's fine because it's constantly changing.) Soo I have that to obsess over for the next week. My midwife told me to take it easy and rest more. She clearly is not aware of the condition of my baseboards. ;)

What I am looking forward to: Having my fluid checked again. I'm ready to not be such a worry wart about it. 

Milestones: We officially have 4 weeks to go! That's insane. And even if we go past our due date, she will absolutely be here in less than 6 weeks. 

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