Thursday, July 17, 2014

Week 36

How far along? 36 weeks 6 days

How big is baby? The size of a honey dew!

Total weight gain/loss: up 2lbs from my last appointment - but I think I already included that in last weeks post... Soo roughly 30 some odd pounds. 

Maternity clothes? Since I'm living in my non maternity tank tops, I get this band of skin that hangs out when my tank rides up and my shorts ride down. It's an interesting look for sure! Keeping it classy. I have also extended this look for when I go outside of the house - like to Target or to the grocery store. I am confident that Kyle finds this super annoying, but he's a gentleman and doesn't complain about it. :) 

Sleep: Kind of iffy. I'm getting much better at falling asleep, but my back and hips get so uncomfortable at night. I have this method of every time I get up to pee, I'll lay back down on the opposite side I woke up on. That seems to have a good effect on efficient sleeping. I was looking at the "recommended" breastfeeding schedule and holy hell, I have no idea how I'm going to make it through that. Literally every 2 hours for a feeding. I would definitely say I've been more stressed about breastfeeding than labor. My logic is that she's going to enter the world one way or another but I want to be able to feed her what's best! Thankfully I Kyle who is SO supportive and is constantly reminding me that he will be there to help and he will be just as sleep deprived as I am. I think I'll keep him. 

Last night was the worst sleep night EVER! I was having intense Braxton Hicks contractions (which I was told were not a thing because BH's are NOT supposed to hurt) so I laid in bed all night mostly whimpering in pain. Not cool. That means I am SUPER tired today.

Best moment this week: My good friend Meredith had her baby!! I couldn't be happier for her (and her family!) She's been my pregnancy buddy through this entire thing - I couldn't have done it without her!! We've spend countless hours emailing/texting/facebooking "uh, do you think this is normal?" or "has this happened to you yet...?" and it's been fun! I can't wait to meet her little one.

The other 'best moment' of the week has definitely been spending some more quality time with Kyle. I'm relishing in the time we have left together in the house with just the two of us (plus our fur babies). I am so excited for this journey that we are embarking on and I want to make sure that our relationship is as solid as it can be before Emerson gets here. I hear that sometimes babies 'rock the boat' so to speak.

Movement: She's pretty active, but again, during very specific times of the day. I still get nervous occasionally when it's been a while since she's had a kick, but

Food cravings: Grapes. I've been cooking meals on specific days so I have 3-4 options for lunch/dinner on any given day. Best decision ever! I used to do this on the regular, but got too lazy. I need to get my butt in gear! Kyle and I went on a lunch date on Sunday to Margaritas (in Liberty - because that matters) and I LOVE LOVE LOVED my enchilada. It was SO good. I even splurged and had a Dr. Pepper. Naughty, I know. Worth every calorie. 

Food aversions: Meh. Nothing really. 

Gender: She's a she!

Labor Signs: UH MY GUUUUUUU! Yes! BH'ing all over the place! It's so annoying and unproductive. 

Pregnancy symptoms: I am SO tired. Like, physically exhausted all of the time now. ALL. Of. the. TIME!

Belly button in or out? Still in! My best friend Danielle came over last night and looked at it - she doesn't think it's going to pop out! There's a reason I keep her around and it's totally for comments like that! :)

What I miss: Not having Braxton Hicks every two seconds.

What I am looking forward to: Thursday, Thursday, Thursday! and also leaving early on Friday. 

Upcoming appointments/events: Thursday for a fluid check ultrasound. 

Milestones: I have come to the realization that I only have 16 more work days until I go on maternity leave (I'm going on the 7th, even if she doesn't get here by then!) Well, maybe. I'm not sure. If she's not here, I might as well finish out the week, right? That will give me an extra two days to stay at home with her in October!! 

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