Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Birthing Options

I've been so overwhelmed with all of the options you have for your birthing experience and I've been met with some resistance when it comes to my wishes for the Bargain's birth. Even my mom and Kyle are on the "you're crazy" train - but it's still what I want. 

The best advice I received was from one of best friends Megan who told me to go in the direction that I wanted. To do what was best for my baby and my birthing experience. So that's what I did, and so far I'm really happy with my decision. I'm completely open to adjusting my birthing plan as necessary because I know that in reality I can talk until the cows come home, but ultimately it's not up to me. It's completely out of my hands.

The 2nd best advice I received, was from an article that was posted on Facebook: 

"What it ultimately boils down to: you get a baby in your arms soon, regardless how he/she comes out. Focus on the end result, trust your body, work with what you have, and enjoy what you can. And know this: your identity and strength as a woman is not measured in how your baby is born. "

This is something that I really took to heart. Who cares if I have a natural/medicated/induced/c-section birth? No one. It doesn't matter. 

Sigh of relief. I'm going to do what I feel is best, until there is a need to be concerned. 

1 comment:

  1. Best piece of advice I can give you is remember you aren't in a race to be anybody's hero. If you feel like you can't handle it accept the medication....there is a lot of naysayers about it. But in the end, every birth where I have seen a mom accept the medication so that she can concentrate on the actual birth have been positive. Also, for me personally, it was very important to me to have immediate contact with my babies. I wanted them laid on my chest and I wanted to wipe them off. I wanted skin to skin contact. I know that grosses some people out but the reason I chose that was because your baby will link with your circadian rhythm. I also choose delayed clamping. I chose to have them delay the "necessary evaluation" and I had them due it in the room. I also chose to have skin to skin contact for a good two hours and immediate nursing. I also chose rooming in, strictly. Those are all things important to me and my husband and I felt that it was the best choice for us. Go with your gut....your instincts will be right for you and your baby. Trust yourself...that is really the best advice I could give. :)
