Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 19

How far along? 19 weeks 4 days (I'm sensing a trend here...)

Hard to tell, but the dogs are laying by my feet
The funny thing about the outfit I'm wearing is you can't even tell I'm pregnant when I'm just walking around - but for this picture I feel like you can definitely tell - probably because of the extra fabric bunching up. My boobs look huge though! (as a sidenote, they are huge). 

How big is baby? The size of a mango!! Last week we were a sweet potato. To me, those are totally bigger than a mango. Apparently everyone else in the world (ahem, google) disagrees. Whatevs. Still, the Bargain is HUGE (again, yes I know I say this every week. Just wait until it's born. "But it's so tiiiiiiny.") I'm pregnant. Leave me alone. Boo.

Total weight gain/loss: Pffffffttttt. And I mean it this time. Pfffht. Don't even care. 

Maternity clothes? Still a hit or miss on this one. My shirts still fit fine and I need a belly band with my non maternity pants. Whatevs. It's so hard for me to find maternity pants that fit (short girl problems)

Sleep: Still sleeping like a champ. Zzzzzzzz. I'm thankful to have Kyle who gets up with the dogs when needed at night. I don't hear them. He will be out of town for a few days so I can't wait to see how that goes. Macy is still sleeping in our bed (I know, naughty) and she always finds the most inopportune time to want to snuggle with us. Normally it's right when Kyle rolls over to my side of the bed to snuggle me. RUDE! Does this dog not know that I am clearly the priority in this house!? Yeah, apparently not. But in her defense, she is the cutest thing in the universe. SERIOUSLY. They don't make them much cuter. Or snugglier. But my point is Ky will be gone and I am fending for myself. Who am I going to complain to when I'm hungry and we don't have what I want but I will continue to insist that he not go to the store to grab said item because it will take to long!? WHO I ask you, WHO!? No one. That's who. I was going to ask (beg) my little sister to hang out with me while he's gone - only to realize that she's leaving too. SERIOUSLY!? Doesn't anyone remember how selfish I am and how I like my sleep and that I'm pregnant!? Normally I am totally independent and when I'm away from Kyle I'm fine (and he's the one who's all "I miss yooooou" while I'm like, HELLO, I'm watching Pretty Little Liars, eating lean pockets, and drinking whole milk. Leave. Me. Alone." Totally the opposite this time. Unloved. That's what I am. Back to my original point, I am sleeping very well, thank you for asking. Again. (so repetitive.) Now that I am updating this later in the week, Kyle had left for the weekend and has since returned. That was annoying - mostly because I didn't have anyone to bother at night to get me things - I asked Macy to grab me some water - nope. Juice? Ha. A snack? Oh, well that one she was totally on board with, but I got it myself. He's home (insert SUPER clingy and whiny statement here) and I couldn't be happier about it!! 

Best moment this week: getting my maternity clothes in the mail has been fun! I found a website (it's not a huge secret - I think it was like, destination that was offering buy one clearanced item and get one free. BOGO? Mmmkay! holla! Totally cool with that. Most of it is still a little big (ANNOYING) but I have full faith that I will get there... Someday. And then I'll be whining about me whining about being to little. (This is what Kyle gets to live with. Isn't he lucky?) I also got a pedicure on Sunday. That was the bomb diggity. I went with an old friend of mine and they had massage chairs too. So my back was being rubbed at the same time my feet were. Pregnant lady heaven. I told Ky that he was going to purchase me a prenatal massage soon (I say this because we have joint accounts and therefore I'm probably going to be the one who is paying for it, but still, I can pretend. 

Movement: Not so much. It has never been consistent because it's still so little (even though I claim it's HUGE) I'm sure it's coming. Can't wait for the ultrasound next week! I guess that ruined what I was going to list under my upcoming appointments/events question.... Oops. Let's talk about my movement. The weather was SO nice on Monday (so technically week 18, but whatevs) so we went for a walk. Correction, I walked, Ky ran. He ran a quick 5k while it took me just as long to WALK 1.5 miles and I was IN PAIN when I was done. Not like, contraction in pain, but like, leg pain. Ouch. So tired. And you know what's even worse? I'm still in pain. It's Friday. What. the. eff. This is my life now. I get tired of walking a mile and I can't breathe going up stairs. FUN!

Food cravings: Spicy chicken sandwiches, pepperoni dipped in guacamole, water, apples, asparagus, rice (nomz!) etc. Again, nothing super weird. (I should mention that I dip most of these together in some sort of concoction, but I did that pre-pregnancy. What's weird for you is my norm.) I've been doing MUCH better about eating fruits and veggies. I just am not really fruit person, so it's so hard for me to talk myself into it. 

Food aversions: Meh. Oatmeal? Like steel cut oats. VOMIT. Those are gross. But anything (literally anything) else sounds great. 

Gender: At my next questionnaire I should be able to fill in the blank for this one. HOLLA!

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: Weird food combinations, I'm tired, I have allergies (weird, eh?) 

Belly button in or out? In. Still not close to making an appearance yet. 

What I miss: I REALLY missed Kyle when he was gone. But he's home now, so I no longer miss him. He's back to bring me water late at night! Wha-hoo! 

What I am looking forward to: 20 week appointment on Thursday! (Technically week 20, BUT, it's coming up. 

Upcoming appointments/events: ^--- see above statement. What the hard thing is we will (hopefully) get to know the sex, but we won't find out on Thursday (appointment day). We're finding out on Saturday at our reveal get together. It's not really a party, but it's still going to be a blast! Even if no one else comes, it's still going to be fun for the two of us to find out in a unique way <3 and it's even at Kyles favorite ice cream shop! Well, it's my favorite shop too, but I'm not a die hard ice cream fan. 

Milestones: ...eating my veggies? That's about all I've got. Spoiler alert - next week my milestone will be making it to the halfway point. SHOCKING. 

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