Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wives Tales

I've been pinning wives tales on Pinterest for a while (aka pre-pregnancy) because I knew that it was something I would definitely wanted to do before we found out if we were going to be buying ties or tutus (yes our son will wear ties). 

So I made the list and Kyle used his design style to create this beauty :)

*Note: Beautiful chalk board created by one of my favorite families for my birthday several years ago- the Pratts!

I wanted to post about this because I knew that years later when I'm rereading this I'll be wondering what this stuff meant. 

Heart rate: pretty self explanatory. Over 140 beats per minute means girl, below means boy. 

Carrying high or low: this was a tough one because I don't really feel like I'm carrying it anywhere. Just lots of cookies int he middle of my tummy, so my guess was high since I'm definitely not low. 

Chinese Calendar: this one threw me for a loop. I know our conception date so I entered that into the calculator - boy. I entered in our due date and we got girl. Okay. So we went with girl to make the board a little more even and that's what the doctor goes off of. 

Sweet or salty: whatcha craving!? I've always been a salt girl, so this was no surprise for me. I mention cookies frequently, but I rarely eat them and I don't really have cravings for them. But BBQ chips? Yes. Please. Now. Thank you :) 

Greasy or glowing: they say when you're pregnant with a girl, she steals your beauty so you break out. Up until week 19 day 2 my skin was awesome! I've been loving it!! But week 19 day 3 I got my first zit. It's weird. I randomly touch it without thinking and it hurts - haven't had that issue in a few years. And you're not supposed to use any products with salicylic acid so you're kind of done for until it decides to go away on it's own. I should count my blessing though! I'm a lucky girl. 

Morning sickness: not once, not never! Although, I do get motion sickness. But I hear that's different. 

Skin soft or dry: SO DRY! Goodness. I've really been struggling with this because I don't like the feel of lotion on my skin, but the itching during the day drives me nuts! I'm talking myself through it by thinking whenever I put lotion on my skin I'm helping with it's elasticity so hopefully stretch marks will be minimized. (I know this isn't really a thing, BUT I'm going to tell myself this until I start getting those suckers! So far so good.)

Hateful or pleasant: we all have our days. I just know what I want when I want it, and Kyle hasn't caught on to that yet ;) I am beyond blessed to have such an amazing man as the father of my child and I am forever thankful for his patience. I'm not deserving. 

Pencil test: you take a needle and thread and put it into the end of a pencil. Then you hold it over the pregnant lady's wrist and it's supposed to tell you how many kids you're going to have as well as what sex they will be. I am CONVINCED that it said twins at first, but Kyle insists that it was a mishap. So boy is is.

Age + conception year: if they were both even or odd, it was a girl. If one is odd and one is even, it's a boy.

So there you have it! Our Bargain prediction! We only have 2 days until the anatomy scan, and we're going to do our darndest to not find out. We want to find out in a fun way!! More on that at a different time.


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