Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 18

How far along? 18 weeks 4 days

How big is baby? The size of a sweet potato!! (or a bell pepper- whatever your preference) What's crazy to me is that this is only from head to rump! There's still little feet and arms that aren't included in that measurement. 

Total weight gain/loss: Pfft. Who knows. I'll find out next week. Maybe 15lbs by now. 

Maternity clothes? Yep! I can still comfortably fit into my regular clothes, but I really like wearing maternity clothing because it showcases the bump! The only downside is that I own (and borrowed) only purple maternity shirts - so it's like 50 shades of plum every day. :) 

Sleep: Still sleeping okay. We just hit the spring forward time change (whoever invented you, you are an asshole, I hate you to the nth degree, and you are no longer invited to my birthday party.) so that is a rough transition (I say this and we're barely on day 2 of the change.) Move me to Arizona (who knew that they don't adjust with the time change? Not I.) Kyle keeps saying "but the sun is out longer!" I. Don't. Care. Not interested. I am tired today. And I am tired because I lost an hour of sleep. That should make everyone hateful. And that's exactly what I am. BUT I'm still not getting up to pee during the night and it's AWESOME!

Best moment this week: Macy has been extra sweet this week. She is definitely in our top two favorite dogs that we own (see, I don't play favorites). I love that Cooper has been getting on the couch lately too. He knows better and hasn't done it in 5 years but Macy is a trouble maker and enjoys seeing Coop get scolded. It's kind of hilarious. I'm sure this is supposed to be Bargain related, but, I love my pups too. 

Movement: Yep! But I only feel that rolling motion that I described last week (or the week before?) and I keep hearing "wait until it kicks!" - Actually I totally will. I can wait until it starts kicking because then it's not going to stop moving until I deliver. It sounds distracting. 

Food cravings: Same as always! I've had it really easy. I like spicy things, and salty things, sandwiches, pickles, milk. Sushi. Same as ALWAYS. 

Food aversions: Nothing really. I'm pretty content with whatever. Again, as long as you feed me on time, I'm a happy girl. 

Gender: WHO KNOWS!? We've done the wives tales predictions so I'll for sure post about those soon(ish).

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: I'm tired. And I'm getting big. That's about it. I still am miserable on long car rides (long car rides being to like, Grandview and back - which is a solid 16 minutes away - if that).

Belly button in or out? Still in. 

What I miss: Sandwiches. Not getting motion sickness. 

What I am looking forward to: Seeing what everyone guesses on the sex! I think it's going to be fun! I want to see how many people are going to side with me, and how many are going to side with Ky. (Not that we will make our guesses public - we're totally happy with either one, but we do have different guesses) 

Upcoming appointments/events: Events: yes! The Facebook sex guess! That's a big deal to me. And then I'm in the process of planning the reveal with the photographer! Now THAT is what I'm SUPER, SUPER, SUPER excited for. 

Milestones: I wouldn't say I've hit any milestones lately. Just hanging out and growing a bargain. Can that count? I 'ran' with Kyle for the first time in a LONG time. It's amazing how out of shape I am. And by amazing, I mean embarrassing. Labor should be fun. Oh, duh - I signed us up for Bradley classes. Holla! 

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