Thursday, March 6, 2014

Week 17

How far along? 17 weeks 4 days

Practically the same picture as last week!! Only with dogs. Arf. 

How big is baby? Practically an adult now. Shall I go ahead and write the check for college!? Sheesh. A whole onion!?

Total weight gain/loss: I think I'm close to 10 lbs, if not a little more. Meh. My co-workers have started feeling more comfortable with asking if I'm pregnant :) REALLY starting to look it. I think I look huge, so I'm surprised it's taking them this long. Guess they're just polite! 

Maternity clothes? Oh yeah. I'm barely getting by with my belly band. I desperately need to get more work pants. Or work appropriate dresses.  My t-shirts are also just weeks away from not fitting - normally the solution I see is to wear your significant others t-shirts. Well, he wears the same shirt size. Skinny ass. 

Sleep: Sleeping through the night. I'm noticing I'm REALLY sore when I get into bed (back, arms, hands, legs, feet) so it's a little harder to get comfortable, but I get in bed about 8, fall asleep by 930 (we watch a show together in bed) and I wake up at 6 to go to the bathroom. Not bad at all! I keep reading in other pregnancy blogs that women keep having to pee constantly! Thankfully I haven't gotten there yet. I drink a TON of water a day (almost twice what they recommend you drink) but I've been doing that since I started this position at work, so it's nothing new. 

Best moment this week: Whenever I lay down, I can feel the bargain moving around. I heard a long time ago that the swaying of my belly during the day puts it to sleep, which is why babies are so active at night (in utero.) It's so fun to feel it moving around in there. I'm excited for it to kick Macy from in there some day. She needs it. She is ALL about laying on my tummy and bonding with this kid - it's only a matter of time. 

Movement: YEP! Every night. I don't typically feel it during the day, but I'm also not taking the time to stop and wait for it. Pretty neat feeling. 

Food cravings: Chicken sandwiches with cheese, glazed donuts dipped in spicy chicken ramen noodles, BBQ chips, ham or turkey sandwiches. 

Food aversions: Nothing really. I'm pretty much happy with anything as long as I'm fed on time. 

Gender: Less than 3 weeks! 

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: I'm still pretty tired throughout the day, but I think it might be getting better? I'm on a pretty set eating schedule - I like to eat dinner by 5 and I'm good for the rest of the night until around 8 the next morning (I hear this is VERY uncommon women pregnant women who need to eat all of the time and first thing in the morning. Again, SUPER lucky in that aspect. I'm REALLY moody with Kyle, but really go with the flow at work. Funny how that works. Poor guy.

Belly button in or out? In

What I miss: Being sane and not so hormonal about everything. Riding in cars without it being uncomfortable and painful. 

What I am looking forward to: Lunch. Noms.

Upcoming appointments/events: Still have a ways to go. 

Milestones: We decided to no longer let Macy Mae sleep in our bed. I'm getting really tired of being covered in fur 90%of the time. So last night we were getting into bed (Macy beat us there) and Kyle told her to get down. Well, she looked at him with those precious eyes and he caved. Hard. "Can we just let her sleep with us one more night!?" Then I caved. Ugh. Such is life. 

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