Thursday, June 12, 2014

Smooth Sailin'

Once we found out we were pregnant, I knew immediately I wanted to go on a babymoon! PLUS, I was already planning a trip for Kyle's birthday since he had never left the country. Boo! We had to change that before we were stuck in Kansas City for the next 18 years. So we booked a cruise.

Fast forward to the beginning of February and we are getting SLAMMED with snow storms. My hospital activates our Emergency Preparedness System, which meant that I got to spend an extra day at home before our Cruise! That also meant that Kyle got to spend an extra day at home the day before we left. So fun! And by fun, I mean, we snuggled on the couch and watched TV while eating Ramen Noodles. If I remember correctly, we also got in several rounds of competitive games of Battleship. I was still in that constantly tired phase of pregnancy, so poor Kyle went out to shovel snow - three times! 

Before the snow really started accumulating.
We were hoping that since he shoveled so much snow the day before, it wouldn't be too bad trying to get to the airport the next morning. We were wrong. Thankfully we thought to take the shovel with us because we ended up getting stuck in the neighborhood and Kyle had to dig us out!! 

When we arrived at the airport we actually had to dig ourselves a parking space! Apparently when they plow the parking lots the snow doesn't have anywhere to go - so it ends up behind the parked cars and empty parking spaces. FUN! I felt awful for the people returning that week to their cars being burying in the snow - and they obviously wouldn't have thought to keep a shovel in their car (because seriously, who does that!?) 

It was Kyle's first time flying and he took it like a champ! I thought I might have some issues with morning sickness, but thankfully, I didn't!

He got the window seat. If it wasn't obvious before, I clearly love this man!
Off to South Carolina we went! My wonderful Momma picked us up from the airport! It was soo nice to see her. I really miss her now that she's not living in Kansas City anymore! Saddest day ever. 

Kyles' first time at the ocean!! It was cold. 
Our amazing friends Megan and Nick (and their sweetest baby Camden) met us in Charleston for dinner that night! They are definitely one of my favorite families and I was thrilled to get to see them! 

Weird hand thing that Cam kept doing.

He wanted in on our picture once he realized how cool we were to recognize his hand thing. 

At the last minute, we talked my mom into joining us on the cruise!! BEST DECISION EVER!! So she packed up her stuff, and off we went!

I think this is gross, but Kyle liked it. It's cereal crusted french toast. To each their own.
 I actually had a really hard time eating on the ship. Most of the stuff I would have normally eaten, I couldn't have, and what they did have that sounded appetizing got old REALLY fast. I became quick friends with individual boxes of cereal. I was severely disappointed that they didn't have snack packs. :( Next time I'll know to bring my own!

One of the beautiful sunsets at dinner!

Our favorite waiter in the universe TK.

Our housekeeper was amazing! She knew how much I loved these animals, so instead of reusing the towels every night to create new animals, she just added more to our collection. HEAVEN!

Overall we had a great time! It was hard to leave. Kyle got to go on an airplane for the first time (and second, third, and fourth), he saw the ocean for the first time, we got to spend LOTS of time with my mom, Kyle went to a foreign country for the first time, he swam in the ocean for the first time, and we did lots of shopping! I'm not a very good vacationer (and add not having any snack packs on the trip) but thankfully my mom and Kyle kept their patience with me. They are such saints! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I thought the French toast was actually a meat loaf with veggies. Gross! Lol. I love your pictures and I LOVE that we made your blog. #feelingfamous
