Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Week 33

How far along? 33 weeks and 3 days

How big is baby? The size of a durian - I find this funny because I actually know what this is!! You don't find them in North America, but I was watching a show on Netflix (one of my faves) with Andrew Zimmerman, and oddly enough, this is the ONE food he won't eat. He is all about trying new things from different cultures and enjoys the most random things, but won't touch this guy. Hilarious? Yes. What's even more funny is that I remember it from 3+ years ago from an episode I watched once. 

Total weight gain/loss: 32 lbs. Yikes. 

Maternity clothes? Mmhm. With the exception of the tank tops I sleep in (which are the only thing I can tolerate while I sleep. Sleeves - get outta here!)

Sleep: I no longer sleep through the night. I get up to pee regularly. I think this is caused by the fact that I am all of a sudden dying of thirst at 930 at night. Seriously? Yes. And it's not something that sips of water can quench. It's more of a "if you don't drink a million ounces of water right this second I'm going to keel over and die" type of thing. It's fun. And by fun I mean it's ridiculous. Every. Single. Night. So up I pee!

Best moment this week: Well... I had a situation earlier in the week. I was having regular painful contractions. I thought they might be just Braxton Hicks, but these were legitimately painful, and not just uncomfortable. The back pain though was AWFUL! Nothing I did could make it feel better. I was writing the whole scenario off until I googled (why do I do this to myself!) it and since I was having more than 6 of these an hour, and they were coming regularly, I went ahead and called my midwife. I had changed positions, walked, sat, stood, bounced, pelvic rocked, and laid down, but nothing was making them stop. I called and left a message with the nurse expecting her to completely blow me off and tell me I was fine and to rest and drink some water (which I was doing) but my midwife said I needed to come in right away. Oh. Okay. Sure. Let me put pants back on and head that way. My cervix wasn't dilated (good thing!) but we did a protein test to see if there was a need for steroids to help develop Emerson's lungs in case of an early delivery. 

So I guess I wouldn't say that this was the highlight as in the BEST part of my week, but it was nice to be reassured that Em was okay in there for now :)

Movement: Yep! She was really moving on contraction day (as I oh so affectionately refer to it now - something I just decided). And she certainly has a witching hour - around 8-9pm every night (consistently) she's moving like crazy. It's fun since I can see/feel from the outside what I'm feeling on the inside. 

Food cravings: Grapes and bananas. LIKE nobody's business. I bought a pound and a half of grapes at the City Market on Saturday - and I had about 1/4 of a pound left on Saturday night. Whoops. I was hungry!

Food aversions: Still liking pretty much everything. Icecream isn't my cup of tea right now I suppose - same with gelatto (which has been a staple in my diet lately).

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: Please see 'best moment of the week'

Pregnancy symptoms: Tired, I pee all of the time, my stretch marks are making friends with other stretch marks, I'm grumpy, can't get comfortable anywhere at any time, hardcore motion sickness. Same thing different day :)

Belly button in or out? Still in!

What I miss: Hot dogs, sushi, and turkey. And being able to get on a roller coaster! I REALLY miss that!

What I am looking forward to: Roller coasters next year :)

Upcoming appointments/events: Friday!! And my baby shower is on Sunday! A super heartfelt THANK YOU to Stephanie for hosting it for me. :) I am so thankful to have you in my life.

Milestones: I only got up to pee once last night. It's a miracle! 

YES! So true! I am constantly hot and uncomfortable and my go to coping method is trying to figure out where Emerson is laying in there :) 

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