Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Week 31

How far along? 31 weeks 6 days!

Yikes! Ignore my messy vanity!! 

How big is baby? The size of a pineapple!

Total weight gain/loss: 25ish lbs (I'll have the most up to date number next week)

Maternity clothes? YEP! Thankfully our washer is fixed, so I have maternity clothes to wear again! And let me tell you, it's glorious! What isn't glorious is washing/drying/carrying up stairs/folding/putting away 6 weeks worth of clothes. That is a task I am NOT enjoying.

Sleep: The pee fairy has officially hit me. I got up on Friday night 16 (yes, I counted) times to pee - I don't even understand how it's possible - I didn't drink that much water!

Best moment this week: My washer being fixed! Duh!

Movement: She has been particularly active at night when I go to lay down - or even laying on the couch, but like most babies in utero, as soon as someone goes to feel her move, she instantly stops moving. Her kicks and movements have also been a lot more intense lately - probably because she's out of room in there!! Sorry sweetness, it's only going to get less comfortable - for both of us I'm sure. 

Food cravings: Popeyes and sweet tea. Thankfully Popeyes has AMAZING sweet tea, so it's a two-for :) I try to limit my consumption, but thankfully the tea is within my safe caffeine limit.

Food aversions: Popcorn - but again, that's been a thing for like, ever. 

Gender: Little Miss

Labor Signs: Holy back pain!

Pregnancy symptoms: Hormones are a bitch- anyone who says differently is lying. And I'm totally nesting so I'm constantly feeling tired and overwhelmed. Braxton Hicks contractions, vagina kicking from my fetus, constant fatigue, I'm always hungry, EXTREME thirst around 8pm, zero memory (I would be completely lost without my planner.) And holy sciatic nerve pain!! OMG! It usually happens at night or early in the morning and my body is hyper sensitive to EVERYTHING! If a sheet brushes my leg and I'm not prepared for it, it's agonizing. Same goes for an adorable little puppy who loves to snuggle in the morning - I've scared her  quite a few times when she accidentally steps on me. And also stretch marks! They showed up a few weeks ago, decided they were comfortable and decided to stay. Thoughtful, right? I'm handling them much better than I thought I would. I'm sure more are coming, and I shall embrace them as they come - I earned those stripes!

Belly button in or out? Still in!

What I miss: Sleep. Definitely sleep. Motivation to do things. Energy to do things. The ability to climb onto a chair to paint without having killer pain the next day. I also really miss being patient and understanding. I feel like lately anything and EVERYTHING is a trigger for me - the dogs, Kyle, the washer, work... you name it, it's put me in tears. So frustrating!

What I am looking forward to: Not being a hormonal mess (I'm in denial that it gets worse before it gets better)

Upcoming appointments/events: I have a total of 7 appointments left! Kind of crazy to think about. I'm almost down to 8 weeks before the due date and each week I have an appointment! (with the exception of week 33.)

Milestones: I finally have experienced lightning crotch - this is an actual term!! Where the baby kicks you in your lady parts - I mean, obviously she's not quite that low, but holy moly it's uncomfortable! I've also been able to distinguish when she is head down vs head sideways. :) That's always fun. I was telling Kyle that it felt like she was pushing on both sides of my stomach and he said that she probably was (which he followed with a demonstration). Makes total sense!

We also went on our hospital tour - I enjoyed seeing the facility, but I did not enjoy hearing that some people are stuck on the "traditional" way of doing things. Thankfully I have talked through all of my concerns with my midwife and I will definitely make sure she puts those in my chart. The RN giving us our tour mentioned that "some people include things in their birth plans that they don't understand why they're doing it! Like, not using the ointment in the babies eyes, or delayed cord clamping - no valid medical reason." So I look at Kyle and say "we're still doing delayed cord clamping" and he says "oh absolutely, and we know the reasoning behind it." Thank God for this man!! 

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