Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week 32

How far along? 32 weeks and 4 days

How big is baby? a squash baby! Which is fitting because I constantly feel squashed!!

Total weight gain/loss: an official total of 28 lbs. That's a hard number for me to take in actually. I weigh 7 lbs less than Kyle does. 7 pounds. That's not much. I'm going to be beating him any day now. Not like it's a competition, but still. Kind of depressing. Especially since I still have a few weeks to go. 

Maternity clothes? Yep! I can no longer wear my pre-pregnancy shorts (which is SUPER depressing because I've been living in them after work (so hot outside) and as of this week, I can no longer wear my pre-pregnancy shirts to work. I have no idea how I managed to make them fit for 31 weeks of pregnancy - especially since they were a size small. BUT I did. And it's not even my belly that's keeping me from those shirts. It's my boobs! THEY'RE HUGE! And they're going to keep getting bigger. 

Sleep: Since the baby is gaining weight, she's constantly pressing on my bladder which causes me to need to get up several times a night to pee. Sleep was nice while it lasted!! 

Best moment this week: Talking to my midwife about my concerns from the tour. I feel SO much better knowing that we're still on the same page. Thank goodness. 

Movement: Yes, and it's so cool! I can feel her from the outside now - so she's moving and grooving in there and I can feel her different anatomy. Now I can tell what's a foot, a hand, and a butt. Loving every second of it!

Food cravings: Shrimp and sandwiches - but oddly enough, not together ;)

Food aversions: Nada. I like pretty much everything still (besides the usual offenders). 

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: Nothing so far really - just those Braxton Hicks. I've decided that I'm not going to have cervical checks done, so I won't be able to keep you up to date on how effaced/dilated I am until the big day! Unless she decides to come late, and at that point (40 weeks) I'll have to be checked to make sure she's moving into the proper position. 

Pregnancy symptoms: I'm achy, motion sickness to the extreme, I'm tired all of the time, I'm grumpy, I hate everything 80% of the time, my feet are hot constantly (such an odd change for me since they're usually cold) and holy stretch marks! Oh, and I forget pretty much anything that's not written on a post-it. 

Belly button in or out? In but stretching. 

What I miss: Being able to roll out of bed comfortably. Not having hot feet. Having a clean shirt at the end of the day. (This does not happen anymore - there's always some form of food on it)

What I am looking forward to: Knocking out my to do list! 

Upcoming appointments/events: Phone consult with the maternity care coordinator on Monday :) I think it's weird that we don't meet with them in person, especially since I still haven't signed a consent/HIPAA yet, and I am 100% I will NOT be in the mood to sign those once I get to the hospital. NO THANK YOU. I'll definitely ask about that. Thanks for the reminder. 

Milestones: I can see this kid moving from the outside on a regular basis. 

1 comment:

  1. There are many things from pregnancy that I genuinely miss, but weight gain and constant peeling are not among those missed things :) I gained 32 lbs, don't sweat it. You look gorgeous and healthy and that is important. Have you haf shortness of breath yet? For a couple of weeks near the end of pregnancy I felt so squished on the inside that I couldn't breath properly. It improved once Cam dropped and of course once he was here :)
