Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 30

How far along? 30 weeks, 4 days

How big is baby? CUCUMBER sized! Basically a mini giant.  

Total weight gain/loss: 24 lb gain so far. Kind of annoying since I haven't changed of my eating habits (with the exception of having Gelato once a weekish). And I know I have some more to gain! I think I've come to terms with it - this is what my body has decided it needs to grow a happy and healthy baby - so be it. 

Maternity clothes? Obviously. We are almost at exactly one month of the washing machine being broken - I have lot all sense of patience and understanding with the situation. Thankfully the part has been ordered and is being shipped to my house instead of the other company fixing it. So. Annoyed.

Sleep: This one has been tough. Kyle was gone for a few days and it was hard to sleep without him. Thankfully Macy Mae is a wonderful snuggler and was happy to take his place on his side of the bed. My back always kills me when I lay in bed so being RIGHT next to Kyle with that extra pressure on my back is a life saver! Macy did not disappoint :) 

Best moment this week: I bought cheesy olive garlic bread at the farmers market with my dad! It's made by an Amish farm in the area and it is AMAZING! So amazing in fact that Macy jumped up on the kitchen table and proceeded to eat the loaf on the same day I bought it. SO much for saving some for Kyle (no worries guys, I had already managed to eat half the loaf before the monster got to it). Kyle has since promised that we can go back on Saturday to get another loaf. THAT GOOD! And I can pronounce everything in it - which is a good thing. I sadly cannot say the same for my beloved spaghetti-o's or ramen noodles. 

Movement: Last night Kyle and I were talking about how I feel that Emmy is kicking both sides of my stomach at the same time - a phenomenon my brain could not figure out. Kyle responded with "well, she probably is" and proceeded to do a demonstration of what she's potentially doing in there. Ohhhh. Okay. Totally makes sense now. Since she's gotten bigger I haven't really been feeling her move around as much, but her heart rate is perfect and she's active enough for it to be considered normal. She was having a hay day last night! I swear it's because she knew that her daddy was finally home! She gave me a relatively quiet weekend! Totally different story last night. 

Food cravings: Popeyes for the win! Seriously can't get enough. Same with sweet tea and caramel frappuccinos. I do my best to avoid the latter two, but I'm a believe that I can have almost anything in moderation. 

Food aversions: Ranch dressing. VOM. Kyle is SO thankful for this. He hates ranch, and as of yesterday, so do I. 

Gender: Emerson Kate is still a girl. I keep having these weird moments of panic where I imagine I'm in labor and I deliver her, and it turns out she's a boy. WHAT!? I can't even handle that. I asked Kyle what we would do and he said "Uh, name her Emerson Dean?" No. Just no. We have another ultrasound in a few weeks (and by a few, I mean 5) so I will be sure to ask them to verify she's still a she.

Labor Signs: YEP! Braxton Hicks every day of my life and I keep getting this irritating crampy feeling in my abdomen. Totally normal, but still totally frustrating. It makes me want to lay down and take a nap. 

Pregnancy symptoms: Tired all of the time, crampy contractions, anti-ranch advocate, moody, and occasionally irrational. I've also entered the panic mode where I feel like I have sooo much to do before she gets here. I get super annoyed when Kyle isn't on my panic level, which let's be honest, he never is. He's all "babe, it's fine, we have a while" and continues to play his crash of titans game. 

Belly button in or out? Still in, but I have almost zero faith that it'll stay in. 

What I miss: Not having to pee a million times right before bed. 

What I am looking forward to: More appointments! They're coming quickly these days!

Upcoming appointments/events: Baby shower at the end of the month! Hosted by my fabulous friend Stephanie!

Milestones: On Friday night I taped the trip in the kitchen (so we can paint), took down the wallpaper in the hallway (so we can paint) sprayed for ants in the living room, AND stepped on a rusty nail that was hiding behind the couch. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but called the ED anyway to see if I needed to come in at get my TDap (which was on my to do list anyway within the next few weeks) and they said that I needed to go in within 4 hours of the incident. So I spent about 2 hours waiting at Urgent Care (I felt horrible because I walked in about 15 minutes before they closed - and having worked in Urgent Care many times, I know how frustrating this can be for staff) but thankfully I was a quick case! I had already cleaned it and knew that I needed the TDap. When I told the nurse that I had planned on getting the shot anyway, she looked at me like I was crazy - but when the doctor came in she assured me that I was doing the right thing - rusty nail or not. :) Vaccinations are a hot topic these days, but I'm thankful to have a supportive significant other and midwife :) Couldn't do it without them!

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