Monday, January 27, 2014

From one to two...

Oh the joys of dog ownership.

I mentioned to Kyle that since we weren't going to be going on any trips any time soon after the cruise, and that we could possibly start looking into get another dog (this is something we've been wanting to do for quite some time). Well, Kyle took that as, we're getting a dog, and we're getting it TOMORROW!


So off he searches. I meant it more as a 'let's start looking, but we aren't in any kind of rush to make a decision' kind of thing - especially since we are still going on a trip and I don't want to board two dogs. Has anyone else noticed how expensive that is!? I mean there's no price on the care you give to your pets, but SHEESH, $50 per pet, per day... We'd be broke! No more monies! Kyle took it as 'so, we're getting a dog tomorrow.'


Kyle was interested in every dog he saw - and I was hesitant. Then I showed him (do no visit unless you have your heart prepared to be broken, then shattered, then walked on by a million tiny little puppy feet. :( I wanted them all! And so did Kyle. But ever pet he brought to my attention wasn't what I was looking for, so I put it off. "We'll talk about it tomorrow." Kyle was not happy. THEN, he showed me Macy. Let me preface this by saying I didn't care what kind of dog we wanted, but I did not want a puppy, and I did NOT want any kind of terrier. What does he show me? A terrier puppy mix and I completely fell in love! Once glance at this adorable little thing and I said yes.

We filled out the application and heard back the very next day. We had the phone interview and took Coop to meet with Macy the next evening.

The playdate went.. well. Macy and Coop had very little interaction, but I did fall in love with a cat. Kyle veto'd that quickly. Rude

I was really hesitant about this pooch because she was a little assertive to Coop and my first reaction was to say "oh no thank you, ma'am. That is not how we treat others." And then I did say that - and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. But Macy understood. She got me right away. #imaboss #alreadybonded

She was having surgery on Wednesday and the decision was made that we would pick her up on Friday to ensure we had the entire weekend to supervise the dogs play together and make sure it was a good match.

Two days later I am happy to report that it's a perfect match! I assumed there would be an adjustment period for her to get comfortable, but she settled right in. She loves it here! She is one happy pup. Cooper isn't too sure what to think. I can tell that he's getting a little jealous, but then again, I think he's secretly liking having someone to swing toys in front of his face to taunt him endlessly.

He likes it.

Sweet girl snuggled up in bed with mom and dad.

She made herself right at home on Coopers bed - he did NOT understand. 

All of the cuteness in this picture kills me!!

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