Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week 10

How far along? 10 weeks!

How big is baby?

Total weight gain/loss: I haven't stepped on a scale, and I don't want to. Kyle keeps reminding me that I'm pregnant and not fat, but it looks like I ate a few too many cookies. Since I haven't had any morning sickness/nausea, I'm realizing that those spaghetti-o's and 2nd breakfast calories do in fact count.

Maternity clothes? I bought a belly band. I wore jeans this week and thought I was going to die - and they have always been a bit big on me. :( Even with them unbuttoned I was uncomfortable. I've been pricing maternity leggings since mine look AWFUL on me right now. I can't justify spending 30 bucks on something that isn't even considered pants. I'm hoping someone will take pity on me and purchase them for me. But if it's Kyle, he better not get the wrong size. I would murder him for thinking I was fatter than I really am (another beautiful example of hormone mania that has hit this household). 

Sleep: It's never enough. Ever. I think my best sleeps times are from around 1130-9 am. When I get that schedule, I always feel well rested. Must be the rhythm my body is in.

Best moment this week: Finally deciding to go with a different provider. Have a picked a new one? Nope. I will eventually. 

Movement: Still too little, but from what I've read, he's kicking and waving up a storm in there!

Food cravings: Lots of things! Turkey sandwiches (so depressing that I can't have it), spinach salads, ranch dressing, avocado, and character shaped mac n cheese.

Food aversions: white rice (now THIS is a shocker - this was a fan favorite pre-pregnancy, now I can't stand it - and don't even think about showing me anything resembling a cooked piece of chicken. I will throw up on you. 

Gender: Still no idea. I've been switching back and forth, but Ky and I are both thinking boy this week.

Labor Signs: No.

Pregnancy symptoms: Food cravings and serious aversions. I get exhausted walking up the stairs, or actually any type of walking wears me out. I've got a bit of a spout of pregnancy brain - I left my badge on my desk for the first time ever, and was at the mercy of other people to get through locked doors (in Hospitals, it now seems like EVERY door has a lock on it...) and today I completely forgot to wear a coat (I still have no idea how this happened since it's SO cold outside) and I forgot to put on stockings - I've worn stockings every day since I started my job. Why would today be any different!? WHO KNOWS!?

Belly button in or out? Still in.

What I miss: I've REALLY wanted sushi this week. The things I love, I can actually have since they're cooked, but there's that fear of cross contamination. So even though my sushi roll is perfectly safe to eat, there's no guarantee that it didn't come in contact with a raw fish, or its juices. Depressing, I know. Someday my friend. Some. Day. 

What I am looking forward to: I'm just enjoying the ride! I've been so blessed thus far and I can't wait for every new adventure! 

Upcoming appointments/events: I'm supposed to have an appointment next week, but I think I'll put it off another week. We'll see how long it takes me to pick a new provider!

Milestones: I only cried a handful of times this week! (Granted today is the first day of week 10... I had an epic meltdown this morning because I left my 2nd breakfast at home - mac n cheese and a salad. Devastation) 

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