Friday, January 17, 2014

Week 11

I was trying to figure out why this picture looked different than the others. FINALLY figured it out. I've used natural lighting in every other picture. Duh. If I take another belly shot picture this week, I'll upload it. If not, this is what you get for week 11. :)
How far along? 11 weeks and 1 day!

How big is baby? The size of a LIME! Yes, I get THAT excited every week when we graduate to a new fruit. It's a lime! That's SO big compared to last week.

Total weight gain/loss: 3 lbs it seems. I feel like I should have had a little bit of morning sickness so this didn't happen!! Apparently I'm only allowed to gain 22 more pounds for the rest of my pregnancy. On that note, I'm going to eat my second breakfast that consists of a Hot Pocket. 

Maternity clothes? I INSISTED to Ky that we go buy a belly band two weeks ago. I was in total despair that ONE pair of my jeans didn't fit right and that I needed to buy this band to feel better about myself. How many times have I worn said band? Well, it's actually still in the box. And my jeans fit still. It was just an off day. I'm noticing now that my work pants feel a little snug when I sit for too long - so I unbutton them at my desk. And forget to button them back up when I leave my desk. Meh. I'm pregnant. #idowhatiwant

Sleep: Not doing too bad. Falling asleep before 10 and waking up around 6 with normally only one bathroom break. I'll take it. 

Best moment this week: I heard the heartbeat yesterday at my appointment!! 164! SUPER exciting. 

Movement: Still nothing for me to feel yet. It's still too little. 

Food cravings: Hot Pockets are a major craving - and Mac N Cheese - but only the shapes kind. It doesn't really matter to me what the shapes are, but they definitely have a different texture and flavor that I'm really into. 

Food aversions: Chicken. I can do raw chicken, cooking chicken, fried chicken, but certainly NOT cooked/baked/grilled chicken. So gross. 

Gender: Still feeling like it's a boy, but I'm confident that it's a girl. #momlogic

Labor Signs: Nothing. I'm sure these will be coming sooner than I think (I mean, obviously I have MONTHS to go) but whatevs. 

Pregnancy symptoms: I get a headache fairly often, fatigue, constant hunger, and I'm a teeeeeny tinnny bit more sensitive - says my significant other. But what does he know anyway!? He's never grown a child. Just kidding. He's wonderful. I really am ridiculous sometimes. Blame it on the hormones. 

Belly button in or out? In.

What I miss: Eating at Mr. Lee's sushi. Roller coasters. Not getting motion sickness.

What I am looking forward to: Sushi. Eel. Penguins. I don't even know. Glad we're on the same page. 

Upcoming appointments/events: February 13th. Wa-hoo! I'll be 15 weeks. Which means we should find out the sex at 19 weeks in March. We also finalized our babymoon!! Kyle has NEVER left the country and in fact, has only been to 4 states (3 of which he's lived in.) SO I've been planning this cruise for a while and I was going to surprise him, but this just seemed WAY better. A babymoon AND it's right before his birthday (which also happens to be Valentines day - which is annoying because I want to take him out to eat and spoil him like CRAZY on his birthday, but it's so hard to do because everyone and their mother [um, dates] is out. We shall celebrate the weekend after I suppose...)

Milestones: Well, I cried the other day at Wal-Mart. Because I was tired. Yes folks, because I was tired. And it was only 630. I was so beyond ready to be done walking. After 3 pee breaks and having to walk to the back of the store each time, I was just done. We're walking to the check out counter and I stop, Ky asks what's wrong and I start tearing up about being SO tired and not wanting to walk any farther. He thinks I'm crazy. He says that he knows it's just my hormones - but I'm not convinced that he's not planning his escape until I give birth/my hormones even out.

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