Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oh life.

Sometimes you have rough weeks. Really rough weeks.

This week was my very first week of training by myself. My amazing mentor has left our department to move on to bigger and better things (while I begged and pleaded with her to stay - you think I'm kidding. I'm not.) and my supervisor was going to sit in with me to make sure I didn't ruin every ones lives. Cool. I can live with that.

Something came up and she wasn't able to make it.

Okay. Time to prove myself. BRING IT!


So I'm getting everything ready, running through the training programs and what I'm going to cover. Our system is down. Awesome. Guess I'll have to try again tomorrow.

It's tomorrow. The day training starts.

Guess what's still down? The computer system I need.

Alright. I don't really need it for another day. I'll survive. But I should go ahead and call the Help Desk. The Help Desk. These people hate me. I'm sure of it. I always have to call for the most annoying things.

"Um, yeah, hi, my printer is jammed and I um, don't know how to fix it."
"Uh, hi. Me again. I can't figure out how to play a DVD on my computer."
"Yeah, hello. Kristin here again. So, what were you saying that one time about my printer?"

Those conversations happened. They dread my calls I'm sure.

So I dial.

"Uh, hi. I'm trying to get into my training program and it's not working." 
- 'What do you mean it's not working?'
"Like, it's not loading. It keeps telling me there's an error."
- Did you restart your computer?
"Mhmm. I did. And I tried on another computer."
- So it's not working on that other computer?
"No. That's why I called you."
- Oh right. Okay. Try again.
"Um. Okay. No. Didn't work."
- I see. Let me remote in and see what you're looking at.
::he fiddles around with my computer and has me log into the live mode of my program::
- 'Look, it's working.'
"Right. I know. The live mode works. I need the Cert mode. You know, for training. So they can't mess everything up."
-'Oh. Well. Let's see what that looks like.'
::shows him::
- 'Hm. Well. I don't know what that is. I'll look into it.'
"Right. Okay. Thanks."

If that's the worst thing that happens in training I can deal with that. So I run over to the hospital, greet my new employees, then start getting my presentation ready.

wait for it...

The main computer won't turn on.


You know, the one attached to the projector that allows everyone to see what I'm doing.

Right. So... Okay. I'll check to make sure it's plugged in. Um. Where is that again? Oh right. Behind me. There's not a plug in - it's like, on it's own power supply. Magic. Cursed. I don't know and I don't care. I just need my computer on.

So I dial. From another room. Because my training room doesn't have a phone in it.


"Um, hi. Could you send someone out to fix this training computer? It won't turn on."
'- 'Uhhhh, did you make sure it was plugged in?'
"Yes. I did."
-  'Did you push the on button..?'\

Clearly they think highly of me ;) Technology is not my friend. Obviously.

Not only am I have computer issues at work, someone decides to break into our cars. Let me clarify - someone decided to break into my car and our Jeep.

Let me back up.

It's FREEZING cold (so like, below 70) so I remote start my car every morning while I get my breakfast ready (spoiled, I know) so it's nice and toasty when I get in. I walk outside, open my door - weird, my emergency window breaker was sitting in the front seat. How did that get there? I must have moved it and forgotten about it. Wait, my glove box is open. Is it really cold enough to pop open that? I know now, my brain wasn't really comprehending the reality. Then I go to sit my purse down in my passenger seat. Why is there stuff everywhere? I don't remember going through that.

Then it hit me. Someone was in my car.

It was probably Kyle. I'll double check. I text him and he immediately calls me - Nope. Wasn't him. Someone else was in my car. Scary. It doesn't look like they took anything, but still. What. The. Eff.

Later that afternoon, when Ky got home from work, he checked the Jeep - sure enough - they had gotten into there too.

Frustrating and terrifying, but nothing we could do. I filed the police reports and my neighbor and I went door to door in the neighborhood to spread awareness. Now I'm convinced someone is going to murder me. I'm pretty sure Kyle is convinced I'm crazy, but still.

So technology problems. Cars getting broken into. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT!?

Well, a good thing.

I am walking out of the elevators at work after my ROUGH day, and I see a pallet. A beautiful pallet that I've been searching endlessly for! It takes my breath away. I remember saying with my eyes wide "Can I have this? Is this trash!?"

The doctor I was walking with looked at me like I was crazy and then said "Yes, of course. Just take it."  I kid you not, I was like a kid in a candy store!! THEN, (you'll never guess what happened so I'll just tell you) a man walks out wheeling TWO MORE pallets!! WHAT!? Have I died and gone to heaven? I'm still shell shocked. I cannot wait! We as a group decide which is the best quality pallet and which one I should take home. I think I can just carry it out.

Nope. I think we've already established how weak I am.

So this gentleman offers to wheel it out for me and help me get it into my car. I believe the words that came out of my mouth were something like "ohmygoshthankyousomuchthatissoniceofyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" and he was like, "Yeah, K, where are you parked" ::side glance, where did this crazy person come from and how quickly can I get away:: I'm confident he will never offer to do a good deed again.

So we're walking into the parking garage. Whoops. Wrong level. I insist he can just leave it there and I'll drive around and come pick it up.

No. He says "itsfinejusttellmewhereyoureparkedsoicangotheeffhome"

Again "ohmygoshthankyousomuchthatissoniceofyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"

He hates me.

We walk alllll the way back to the elevators, into the elevator to go down another level. Oh. I'm parked at the other end. So we walk.

He tells me to get a blanket and put it over my seats so the wood won't tear the leather.

Good thinking. Too bad all I have is Kyles sweaty towel from his basketball game. We'll make it work. I lay it out and he lifts this into my car. It doesn't fit. I'm amazed at how heavy it is and I'm extremely thankful that he offered to carry it for me. It would have taken me forever. At this point I'm pretty sure he was cursing me and I'm all "omgiamsosorry!ihadnoidea."


I tell me he can just leave it there and I'll run home and grab the Jeep. He leaves happily. Too bad Kyle has the Jeep.

I call him and tell him to RUN to my work (he hasn't been to my new office) and his phone is dead so he's on his own. But he's an amazing superstar and made it in record time and lifted my million ton pallet into the Jeep and drove away into the sunset.

He's so dreamy.

I digress.

This is the direction I'm leaning towards. It certainly won't be as pretty, and it has several spaces between boards, but I love it.
 My heart is full. Even on a rough day there is always good. I'm thankful I got off on the wrong parking garage level because it resulted in happiness.

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