Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dining Room Transformation

Ah, behold, our new dining room! I had been picking at the wallpaper (much to Kyles dismay) and one day after work I decided to see how easy it would be to tear it off the wall. Turns out, it was SUPER easy. (see picture one.) Like, really easy. once I started, I couldn't stop! I had about a third of the wall done when Kyle got home. Crap. I completely "forgot" to discuss this idea with him. We were already in the middle of redoing the master bedroom. Whoops.

Needless to say, he was NOT thrilled when he walked in. I was hoping he wouldn't notice. No such luck.

I FINALLY got the wallpaper off (see picture two). Actually, it didn't take long at all - just a few days. Not a big deal. Then we moved onto paint colors.


This will end a relationship quickly.

Thankfully, Kyle found a color that he really liked (I was skeptical of course) and off to painting I went. On went the first coat.(see picture 3) I. HATED. IT. Like, REALLY hated it. He tried to assure me it would be fine and I wasn't having it. Typical Kristin, right?

So. Then I start the second coat. It started to look a little better. Again, Ky tried to assure me that everything will be fine. Yeah maybe.

No home improvement project would be complete without me having some kind of mishap. I don't believe in using a drop cloth when I'm painting because I will totally slip/trip/fall over it, so I didn't use one. I kept the paint on a blanket and then just walked around as I pleased. In between coats I put slippers on because my toesies were cold (again, typical) and I took them off when it was time to paint. My mistake was taking them off and putting them on the drop cloth. I was maneuvering around the drop cloth while painting and I trip over the paint can itself and the paint went EVERYWHERE. Every. Where. on the hardwood floors. I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry, so I did a combination of both. I yelled for Kyle and he ran and grabbed towels (so helpful). Thankfully we used awesome paint, and we were able to wipe it up without a problem. Now you can't even tell that anything was spilled! Winning.

As soon as I finished this project, I started the master bathroom (without asking first). Again, whoops. :) Pictures of that coming soon.

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