Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week 24

How far along? 24 weeks 5 days!!

How big is baby? The size of a cantaloupe! 

Total weight gain/loss: 16 lbs and according to an app on my phone, my weight gain is 'excessive." Believe me when I tell you that it will never make that mistake again. 

Maternity clothes? Pshya. We went shopping a while back and now I have 23409 million dresses to wear. The only problem is I have to have close toed shoes at work, which are so NOT cute with dresses. #hospitalprobs

Sleep: This is starting to go downhill. I have to pee a lot more at night, and by a lot more I mean once - but that's enough! Kyle and I REALLY need to switch sides. 1. so I can pee at night without crawling/falling on him to get to the bathroom. and 2. so he can rub my back while I watch TV. Being pregnant is kind of fun sometimes. 

Best moment this week: I'm not really sure I have a 'best moment' but it has been a great week. No complaints! My belly is getting bigger :) 

Movement: All of the time. It's super fun to pull up my shirt and watch her move around. It's interesting that I can tell where she is in my tummy just by looking. There's always a bulge on one side! And it's the same side - my right. 

Food cravings: I'm hungry pretty much all of the time. Every day I'm all about first breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, third breakfast, tea, dinner, soupsies, supper, night lunch, midnight snack, and one-in-the-morning snacks. Maybe that is what has contributed to my "excessive" weight gain (I still want to punch that app in the friggin' face! Even Kyle knows not to comment on how much I weigh.)

Food aversions: Nope. Lemon is kind of gross, but I've always felt that way. 

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: I'm super emotional and hormonal. People said this would go away. People are liars. 

Belly button in or out? Still in, but the more I look at it (and worry) the more I think it's moving its way out. 

What I miss: Being comfortable while driving/riding in the car. 

What I am looking forward to: A nap mostly. 

Upcoming appointments/events: Few weeks to go until my next appointment. 

Milestones: I've survived another week with minimal meltdowns!! #kyleisasaint

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Week 23

How far along? 23 weeks and 6 days

How big is baby? Grapefruit sized!

Total weight gain/loss: 14lbs in total. I'm not going to lie, it's kind of scary to see the scale reach numbers I have never seen before. :-/ I know that it's absolutely needed to grow a healthy baby, but it's still kind of disheartening.

Maternity clothes? Oh yeah. I only have one pair of maternity work pants (I went with what people were telling me and went up a size, but that pair just doesn't fit. They're waaaaay too big, which is kind of disappointing because I still have PLENTY of room left in the pair that fits now. 

Sleep: Sleeping well! I've started getting up during the night for bathroom breaks, so that's kind of annoying. Macy always gets excited when she hears me getting up so I always have company :) Sweet girl!

Best moment this week: Kyle felt his first kicks from the outside! It was really exciting!! He's been trying for a few weeks but Emmy has been pretty stubborn. 

Movement: Wigglin' away! Normally it's right after a meal, around 3pm, and again at bedtime. Those are my big movement moments. 

Food cravings: Nothing spectacular. I'm still content with anything. I had a moment last night when were on our way to dinner and I HAD TO HAVE icecream. So we gave up our original plan and headed to Culvers. SO DELICIOUS! That meal had a ridiculous amount of calories and I enjoyed every single bite. Noms!

Food aversions: None. 

Gender: Still a girl!

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: Motion sickness galore! Oh jeez! Driving to work and birthing classes have been AWFUL!! 

Belly button in or out? In. Still terrified about this. 

What I miss: Not getting motion sickness every time I'm in the car.

What I am looking forward to: Nothing too exciting going on actually. Just relaxing :) 

Upcoming appointments/events: Just had my 24 week appointment (a few days early). Everything is going well. Her heart rate was right on (154) The next one (at 28 weeks) is the glucose test. Vom. 

Milestones: I've made it 24 weeks? 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Week 22

How far along? 22 weeks! 

I know, I'm getting large. 

How big is baby? The size of a papaya!!

Total weight gain/loss: 12ish-30ish pounds. I'll let you know on Tuesday.

Maternity clothes? Yep. I've been able to get away with wearing my non maternity shorts out and about, but my t-shirts are snug and ride up. It looks weird, and certainly is not fashionable. This girl doesn't care. I also tried to buy maternity underwear today (who knew that underwear would get so uncomfortable!?) and Target definitely doesn't sell it. Lame. Anyone have an experience with this? Just go up a size? 

Sleep: Staying strong! Sleeping through the night. I go to the bathroom (which is thankfully two feet away from our bed) right before sleep, and climbing over Kyle has gotten to be quite the challenge. I'm sure he's waiting for the day I stumble and fall on him, rendering him paralyzed for the rest of his life. I keep saying we're going to switch sides, but we'll see. Hasn't happened yet. Stay tuned for week 23.

Best moment this week: Finishing the nursery painting! I really wanted to get it done this weekend, so when I got home on Friday, I promptly planted myself in the nursery and didn't leave (with the exception of potty breaks) until it was finished. I totally was paying for it the rest of the weekend though. Holy soreness.

Movement: I can definitely tell when she's awake and when she's sleeping. Totes adorbs (I'm embarrassing her already! You are most welcome Ems!)

Food cravings: Nothing really. Still content with whatever.

Food aversions: Surprisingly, still nothing.

Gender: As far as I know, Emmy is still a girl. 

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: I'm tired. I make the coolest noises when I'm attempting to stand up, as well as sitting down, or bending over, or even just hanging out. FUN! Probably still really grouchy most of the time.

Belly button in or out? In!

What I miss: People not criticizing me for what I eat (or in my case what I don't eat). Lame.

What I am looking forward to: Putting the nursery furniture together on TUESDAY! It's like, practically here.

Upcoming appointments/events: Nothing too exciting (I feel like I say this often).

Milestones: Nursery has been painted! WHA-HOO! and the furniture is put together!! Kyle and I were putting everything in the room and figuring out how to make it work in there while there's a full size bed in there. I'm happy to report we have success!! Holla :) 

I did have one minor (major) scare last week. I was sitting at my desk and all of a sudden I got really nauseous - not like how I do when I don't eat, but something completely different. Then I got SUPER dizzy and couldn't keep my head up - please note that I has eaten and wasn't laying down, or getting up too fast - typically things you would expect with those symptoms. I then started sweating REALLY bad (it was so gross) and I laid my head down at my desk while my heart rate kept increasing. Ugh. It was absolutely miserable. My coworker took me down to the Wellness Center (perks of working in a hospital) and they did an EKG, BUT they weren't able to catch the arrhythmia on the scan because I waited too long to get down there. Probably because I couldn't walk. Totes embarrassing. She said that the next time it happens to call 911 (again, embarrassing) because they could bring the EKG machine to me, and the Wellness Center couldn't. I called and left a message for my midwife. The nurse didn't seem concerned, but after she talked to the midwife she said that she could put in a referral to a cardiologist for me if I wanted. Meh. No thank you. I think it has to do with how the baby is positioned. I'm not a doctor, but it didn't feel like a heart issue. I have an appointment on Tuesday, so we'll see how to proceed from there. 

What's in a Name?

This originally said baby boy name. Nope. Totes a girl name. #EMMYKATE

Who knew there was so many ways to spell Emerson? I sure didn't! Now I'm wondering if we should explore any of these options!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Facebook Name Reveal pt. 2

The actual reveal.

In order to 'punish' Kyle for forcing me against my will to announce our child's name, I made him post a hilarious joke name first. He wasn't too happy about it, but played along (just like I had to with his post.)

So after several hours of brainstorming (and many hours and work staring at my computer screen thinking 'it shouldn't be this hard to fake name your baby!') we came up with the PERFECT joke name.

So lets sound it out - Stellavae Deal. Stellava Deal. One more time - Steal of a Deal. 

Isn't Kyle's handwriting pretty? 
Anyone? No one? Sounds like our Facebook post. It totally backfired on me. While Stella is an ADORABLE name, it is just awful with Vae as a middle name and Deal as a last name. We would be begging for our kid to be picked on. 

I could NOT stop laughing once it was posted. Laughing so hard I was crying. Kyle just kept asking "can I go ahead and post the real name? Hasn't it been long enough? This is embarrassing." Hilarious? Yes. I am STILL giggling on the inside about it.

93 likes later - we announce it was a joke. I'm surprised that more people didn't get the joke. Once we sounded out the name, people were laughing along with us (as well and annoyed that we even joked about it in the first place.) Here are some of my favorite responses:

Tyler was in on it. 


Megan thought it was pretty genius.

No really, I did. Her girl name is Stella. I guess I owe her cookies ;)

Jenni was in on it too ;) Her husband (KK) was not. Juuuust kiiiiddding :)

And here is our REAL name reveal:

108 likes. It BARELY beat Stella's joke name. Sillies. 

 All joking aside, we truly do love her name and we can't wait for her to get here! Bring it on AUGUST!!

Facebook Name Reveal pt. 1

As some as you might know (aka, you've met me before) you know that I am INSANELY crazy about baby names. Like, legitimately. I have had a list of names picked out since Elementary school and I may or may not be a tad over protective about baby name thieves (here's a hint: I'm over protective of the names).

Now, that leaves a huge debate between Kyle and me. I want to keep the name a SECRET and he wants to tell EVERYONE! Does he realize that everyone and their mother is pregnant right now!? BECAUSE EVERYONE IS PREGNANT RIGHT NOW! And we have killer names. Someone will want to steal it. It's mine! And by mine, I mean... mine. Not my child, not Kyle, it's MY name. I know, like I said, I'm a little intense about it.

After a bit of discussion (argument) I gave into him posting this picture. (see below).

If he received 200 likes, then we could share it. That was just under a third of his Facebook friends. Surely that many people won't like it. I was wrong.

Should have made it 1000/

I never thought that people would be interested in what we were naming our daughter. Family? Sure. Close friends? Absolutely. Random ass strangers? Apparently. So the picture was posted and the likes began. 30 minutes in and we had almost 70. Shit. Okay, There's no way he'll get up to 200. We should have put a time limit on this. Damnit.

Seriously, who cares? It's our name - you'll find out eventually. It's not a big Deal (see what I did there?) Okay, so it was a big deal. We were proud of our name. We LOVED her name. And I wanted to keep it a secret (mostly to torture people, but also to prevent people from saying 'ohhh, that's um, unique..." or even worse STEALING IT [ya jackasses]). 

So by the next morning he was just mere 'likes' away from reaching his goal. By Monday evening, we had more than 200 likes and 114 shares. WHAT!? Seriously!? I have to divulge my (again, not her, my) baby name!? No. Why would I ever agree to this nonsense!? Clearly I was drugged when this Deal was made (please take that however you want - it is rather hilarious). In total (including people who liked the shared pictures) we had just over 600 likes.

Uncle Cody (Kyle's brother) got the most 'likes' after Kyles picture. Over 200. What. the. what. WHY!? 

So there we have it. I lost fair and square. In 48 short hours my hopes and dreams of keeping this name a secret were shattered. 
Wrong you are sir, apparently everyone cares.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Gender Disappointment

This has been a hard topic that I have really struggled with since finding out we were having a girl. There were so many emotions going through me that I needed to process, and I was having a hard time coming to terms with what I was feeling.

I debated whether or not I wanted to share a story this personal with the internet - but how could I not? If it's something that I struggled so desperately with, what if someone else had the same feelings of disappointment and didn't know that others were in the same situation? I want these memories solidified in this blog to remember how I was feeling on this roller coaster that is pregnancy.

The day I found out that the little Bargain inside of me was a girl, was one of the hardest days of my life. I realize how ridiculous and incredibly selfish that sounds - which is one of the reasons why I almost didn't share this story on the blog. How horrible am I to all of a sudden feel like I don't want my child anymore because of the sex God created her to be - when there are SO many families who are struggling to get pregnant who truly couldn't care either way, all they want is a healthy baby.

I was selfish.

I was hateful.

I was angry.

I was confused.

I was lost.

I was hurting.

I had spend 16 weeks of my pregnancy bonding with a child that I thought to be a boy. Turning over those cups at our reveal to see that it was a girl - I was speechless. Completely and utterly speechless. It took everything I had to smile and get through those pictures and act excited in front of those who love and care about me most, and all I truly wanted to do was break down and cry. I'm still not sure how I made it through the next two hours of ice cream and lunch. Shock does amazing things to your body I suppose.

As soon as we got into the car my sister immediately knew that something was wrong. I told her that I couldn't believe that it was a girl and I was really upset. Neither one of us knew what to say. I just wanted to go home.

We made a quick Target stop and of course headed in the direction of the baby clothing. I wanted to take a look at what would be my future. My sister thought this was a terrible idea, but humored me anyway. My eyes kept drifting to the boy clothing. The boy bedding. The Spiderman training underwear. My heart and head kept telling me "this is what you should be shopping for - why is it a girl?" It didn't help that Target is really slipping in adorable newborn clothing this season.

Eventually we walked out with a 2T dress and some infant socks. I had to buy something.

I dropped my sister off at church and immediately started sobbing. Uncontrollable, inconsolable sobs. I had to pull over and cry, even though I was less than a mile away from home. How could I possibly be having a girl?

Again, I know how horrible this sounds. I was so upset and the situation, and even more upset at my reaction. I hadn't realized that I was counting on this child being a boy. I didn't realize that I had bonded with it on that level.

I tried my best to keep it together through the weekend, talking with Kyle about names and nursery ideas. We have had our girls names narrowed down to two and we just needed to pick one and stick with it. I felt like this is what I needed to start to move forward in accepting that we were having a girl.

We called my mom to get her opinion (and she knew before any of us did) and she had asked if I was excited. No. I wasn't. I couldn't muster up the energy to lie again about my excitement and I instantly broke down again.

Poor Kyle. He had no idea what was going on in that crazy brain of mine. He just saw that I was hurting and didn't know why or how to fix it. He was able to get off the phone with my mom quickly to attempt to pacify my sobs. I lost it. I felt lost. I didn't want a girl. At least not first.

That was a very, very dark weekend for me. I couldn't stand the congratulations from Facebook, so I shut it down. I couldn't imagine wanting to attempt to have a natural birth anymore. I couldn't imagine wanting to breastfeed or cloth diaper - something that I have been intensely passionate about for YEARS. It just didn't matter anymore. I didn't want any of it. It was like my light switch went off. I didn't feel like I could talk to anyone about it in fear of being judged for my feelings. I knew that I should be thankful for a healthy child. Logically and medically I knew this - but I just couldn't.

Naturally, I turned to google. It turns out that the feeling of gender disappointment is extremely common. Who knew? (I certainly didn't). Most of what I was reading said "the feeling of disappointment should go away when the baby gets here" or "talk to your therapist if you feel like you can't talk to anyone else." - Seriously? I had to wait another 19ish weeks to feel like a person again? I had to live with that horrible, gut wrenching feeling for that many months? There's no way. I can't even put into words the depth of that darkness. Even now, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around what I was feeling at the time. I tried to explain what I was feeling to Kyle, but he was so excited to be having a girl, that he just didn't get it. Not his fault, by any means - but he wasn't on my level.

I am so incredibly thankful to my mother who came to my rescue. In my weakest moment as a human being, she was able to pull me out of the wreckage I had created in my heart. She explained to me that she had the same feeling when I was born because she spent 40 weeks bonding with me as a boy - so imagine her shock when I was a girl, but that the feeling went away almost immediately. She told me not to pay attention to how others reacted to my depression about having a girl - I legitimately couldn't help my reaction. I say out loud (too often it seems) "I can't help that I'm acting irrational and hormonal right now!" Why would this situation be any different? I was hormonal and completely out of control of my emotions - what I was feeling wasn't my fault. I wasn't a horrible person for being upset - it was my natural response. Deep down I was so thankful to be having a healthy baby, but I needed to deal with my shift of mindset. It was a complete shock to my body that I needed time to adjust to.

 I look at my relationship with my mom now, and I am completely blown away. I am beyond blessed to have such an amazing mother who would give anything for me (and has). Looking at that, how could I not start to get excited that I was having a girl? To potentially have the relationship that I have with my mother, with my daughter. Thus began my tunnel into light.

I am still embarrassed by my initial reaction. I still am so angry at myself for allowing myself to feel anything by excitement and gratitude. I hate that there is even a slight possibility that my child would ever think that I didn't want them - because I love her more than anything on this earth. I just needed time. I was in a deep depression that I had to fight my way out of. Without the help of my supporting partner, my amazing mother, and the few friends that I confided in, I'm sure I would still be in that place, and it was a horrible place that I never care to visit again.

I will not make the mistake of finding out the sex of my child in front of a group of people again. That struggle to maintain my composure almost broke me - and I had NO idea what I would have that sort of reaction. I thought I would be fine either way. Part of me wonders if I would have had the same reaction if it turned out that Bargain was a boy. Probably. I don't think it was a winning situation in either case. I am so beyond thrilled to be having a girl, I can't even stand it now. I have bonded with her on a level I didn't even know was possible. I love my child and I always will. That love was always there, despite my struggle.

Gender Reveal

As soon as we found out I was pregnant, my mind directly went to GENDER REVEAL! (I hate this term because it is so grossly inaccurate [thank you Human Sexuality requirement in college] but what else am I supposed to call it? Sex Reveal? No. That sounds like I'm having a sex change operation. Gender reveal sounds prettier. So that's what we're going with. We didn't even find out the sex while we were at the appointment! That was a challenge. I was totally cool with not finding out until it was right there in front of me. I WANTED TO KNOW! But we held back. AKA Kyle was the one who held back, and made me stay on his side.

My high school friend Whitney offered to take pictures for us and we picked the perfect location!

Let me back up. I've been searching Pinterest for almost a year now for reveal ideas, and everything seemed to involve cake, or a box of balloons, and while we all know how much I LOVE balloons - it just wasn't want I wanted. I wanted something a little more unique. Ice cream reveal! Cool. So how do we do this? Let's have it at our favorite ice cream shop in Olathe! Genius!! They make all of their ice cream fresh every day and have some of the best flavors we have ever heard of! We love them.

We had a plan.

So let's fast forward - we had this plan, and I waited until the last second to call the shoppe to make sure that it was okay we did this and to verify that they would have a purple ice cream and a blue ice cream (I am not a traditional pink and blue fan) on that specific date. So I call and talk to a young male sales associate. They will not have either color on that date. WHAT!? (instant tears) My life is over. Cancel the party, there shall be no balloons, and I'm never eating ice cream again. Yep, that dramatic. So I'm super upset and text my coworker about my ruined life and I might as well quit my job. She happens to mention "why don't you use some sort of sprinkles with a plain ice cream." GENIUS! Why didn't I think of that? Oh, probably my hormones.

I call the store back and I'm speaking with the manager. She states that they don't have sprinkles that are color coordinated (um, what?) and I explain my predicament. AND she comes to my rescue! She has a grandbaby on the way and is completely supportive and understanding. She assures me that there will be both types of ice cream on the day of the reveal. YES! Amazing! I am forever thankful for her.

Our day was wonderful! I was lucky enough to spend the morning with my baby sister and we ran to get balloons at Party City. No, not the Party City that was right by our ice cream location - the one a few miles away. Sillies. Thank you GPS! Overall, I couldn't have asked for better company when it came to realizing that our little Bargain and a baby GIRL.

Best 'waitress' ever! She was as into it as we were. She even sent my mom a text so she could know before we found out.

Made fresh daily. Hilarious!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Week 21

How far along? 21 weeks 5 days

How big is baby? Pomegranate! WHAT?!

Total weight gain/loss: 9lbs officially - but it's probably closer to 11 or 12 now. 

Maternity clothes? YEP! Still getting away with most of my regular shirts though. 

Sleep: Still a happy sleeper :) No getting up in the middle of the night (for the most part). I've been pretty desperate to take naps lately, but nighttime is still wonderful.

Best moment this week: Ordering the nursery furniture. I LOVE IT! I found it several weeks ago while it was on sale, and I thought, oh we have plenty of time, it'll go on sale again... As soon as the sale ended I hated myself for not ordering it - what if when I finally did order it, the pieces would come scratched and I would have to send it back!? My life is over! Who cares that Emerson won't sleep in there until she's like, 4 months old, I STILL WANT MY NURSERY TO BE FINISHED!! Please note I said MY nursery. As if I'm going to live in there, and not Ems. Sillies. I just like things to be in order. 

Movement:YEP! But only at certain times of the day and it still makes me super nauseous. "Let my body get used to it" my ass. I'm not sure this will ever go away (insert dramatic tantrum that typically occurs at least once a day.)

Food cravings: Nothing really crazy - McDonald's chicken nuggets - that's weird, right? I haven't given into that one yet. Meh. 

Food aversions: Everything sounds delicious. I do not discriminate against food! Ever.  

Gender: Baby GIRL!

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: Motion sickness, I'm tired all the time, still a taaaaad bit emotional (and irrational). 

Belly button in or out? In. THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS.

What I miss: Being comfortable when I lay down, being comfortable in the car, having more than one pair of pants to wear at work, wearing leggings and NOT looking like I have a crazy muffin top going on. 

What I am looking forward to: Bradley classes start on Monday (although that's technically week 22. Boo. Forget I said that. :) 

Upcoming appointments/events: Bradley classes are starting...? 

Milestones: I survived another week!