Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Facebook Name Reveal pt. 1

As some as you might know (aka, you've met me before) you know that I am INSANELY crazy about baby names. Like, legitimately. I have had a list of names picked out since Elementary school and I may or may not be a tad over protective about baby name thieves (here's a hint: I'm over protective of the names).

Now, that leaves a huge debate between Kyle and me. I want to keep the name a SECRET and he wants to tell EVERYONE! Does he realize that everyone and their mother is pregnant right now!? BECAUSE EVERYONE IS PREGNANT RIGHT NOW! And we have killer names. Someone will want to steal it. It's mine! And by mine, I mean... mine. Not my child, not Kyle, it's MY name. I know, like I said, I'm a little intense about it.

After a bit of discussion (argument) I gave into him posting this picture. (see below).

If he received 200 likes, then we could share it. That was just under a third of his Facebook friends. Surely that many people won't like it. I was wrong.

Should have made it 1000/

I never thought that people would be interested in what we were naming our daughter. Family? Sure. Close friends? Absolutely. Random ass strangers? Apparently. So the picture was posted and the likes began. 30 minutes in and we had almost 70. Shit. Okay, There's no way he'll get up to 200. We should have put a time limit on this. Damnit.

Seriously, who cares? It's our name - you'll find out eventually. It's not a big Deal (see what I did there?) Okay, so it was a big deal. We were proud of our name. We LOVED her name. And I wanted to keep it a secret (mostly to torture people, but also to prevent people from saying 'ohhh, that's um, unique..." or even worse STEALING IT [ya jackasses]). 

So by the next morning he was just mere 'likes' away from reaching his goal. By Monday evening, we had more than 200 likes and 114 shares. WHAT!? Seriously!? I have to divulge my (again, not her, my) baby name!? No. Why would I ever agree to this nonsense!? Clearly I was drugged when this Deal was made (please take that however you want - it is rather hilarious). In total (including people who liked the shared pictures) we had just over 600 likes.

Uncle Cody (Kyle's brother) got the most 'likes' after Kyles picture. Over 200. What. the. what. WHY!? 

So there we have it. I lost fair and square. In 48 short hours my hopes and dreams of keeping this name a secret were shattered. 
Wrong you are sir, apparently everyone cares.

1 comment:

  1. I've had my daughter's name picked out since I was 10... There's nothing wrong with it! I don't have kids and don't plan on it for a long time, but I WILL name my daughter that name and I WILL have a daughter just so I can name her that name! haha Strange how our minds work.

    Peace & Sunshine,
    Sammi at Sammi Sunshine- A Food Blog
