Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Week 21

How far along? 21 weeks 5 days

How big is baby? Pomegranate! WHAT?!

Total weight gain/loss: 9lbs officially - but it's probably closer to 11 or 12 now. 

Maternity clothes? YEP! Still getting away with most of my regular shirts though. 

Sleep: Still a happy sleeper :) No getting up in the middle of the night (for the most part). I've been pretty desperate to take naps lately, but nighttime is still wonderful.

Best moment this week: Ordering the nursery furniture. I LOVE IT! I found it several weeks ago while it was on sale, and I thought, oh we have plenty of time, it'll go on sale again... As soon as the sale ended I hated myself for not ordering it - what if when I finally did order it, the pieces would come scratched and I would have to send it back!? My life is over! Who cares that Emerson won't sleep in there until she's like, 4 months old, I STILL WANT MY NURSERY TO BE FINISHED!! Please note I said MY nursery. As if I'm going to live in there, and not Ems. Sillies. I just like things to be in order. 

Movement:YEP! But only at certain times of the day and it still makes me super nauseous. "Let my body get used to it" my ass. I'm not sure this will ever go away (insert dramatic tantrum that typically occurs at least once a day.)

Food cravings: Nothing really crazy - McDonald's chicken nuggets - that's weird, right? I haven't given into that one yet. Meh. 

Food aversions: Everything sounds delicious. I do not discriminate against food! Ever.  

Gender: Baby GIRL!

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: Motion sickness, I'm tired all the time, still a taaaaad bit emotional (and irrational). 

Belly button in or out? In. THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS.

What I miss: Being comfortable when I lay down, being comfortable in the car, having more than one pair of pants to wear at work, wearing leggings and NOT looking like I have a crazy muffin top going on. 

What I am looking forward to: Bradley classes start on Monday (although that's technically week 22. Boo. Forget I said that. :) 

Upcoming appointments/events: Bradley classes are starting...? 

Milestones: I survived another week!

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