Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week 24

How far along? 24 weeks 5 days!!

How big is baby? The size of a cantaloupe! 

Total weight gain/loss: 16 lbs and according to an app on my phone, my weight gain is 'excessive." Believe me when I tell you that it will never make that mistake again. 

Maternity clothes? Pshya. We went shopping a while back and now I have 23409 million dresses to wear. The only problem is I have to have close toed shoes at work, which are so NOT cute with dresses. #hospitalprobs

Sleep: This is starting to go downhill. I have to pee a lot more at night, and by a lot more I mean once - but that's enough! Kyle and I REALLY need to switch sides. 1. so I can pee at night without crawling/falling on him to get to the bathroom. and 2. so he can rub my back while I watch TV. Being pregnant is kind of fun sometimes. 

Best moment this week: I'm not really sure I have a 'best moment' but it has been a great week. No complaints! My belly is getting bigger :) 

Movement: All of the time. It's super fun to pull up my shirt and watch her move around. It's interesting that I can tell where she is in my tummy just by looking. There's always a bulge on one side! And it's the same side - my right. 

Food cravings: I'm hungry pretty much all of the time. Every day I'm all about first breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, third breakfast, tea, dinner, soupsies, supper, night lunch, midnight snack, and one-in-the-morning snacks. Maybe that is what has contributed to my "excessive" weight gain (I still want to punch that app in the friggin' face! Even Kyle knows not to comment on how much I weigh.)

Food aversions: Nope. Lemon is kind of gross, but I've always felt that way. 

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: .

Pregnancy symptoms: I'm super emotional and hormonal. People said this would go away. People are liars. 

Belly button in or out? Still in, but the more I look at it (and worry) the more I think it's moving its way out. 

What I miss: Being comfortable while driving/riding in the car. 

What I am looking forward to: A nap mostly. 

Upcoming appointments/events: Few weeks to go until my next appointment. 

Milestones: I've survived another week with minimal meltdowns!! #kyleisasaint

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