Sunday, October 6, 2013

Game Lovin'

Ky and I like to pretend like we're fun and exciting. A prime example of this would be our adventurous afternoon of playing Wii Sports. We started off with Tennis. Okay. Not so much Kyles thing. Well, let's see where we're at on the fitness scale (please note we have both been too busy/tired to keep up with our rigorous fitness activities. We've accepted that we're going to be fat and lazy - and this normally occurs around dinner time.) After what feels like hours (in reality it was probably around 6 minutes or less) of vigorous activity, the results are in. 
Apparently Kyle is an old man.
And I'm an older woman. Our egos took a hit with this one.

We are old and out of shape. Awesome. Well, at least we're in the same boat, right? We're practically obligated to love each other anyway. RIGHT!? Maybe we will pick up running again so we can be at a respectable fitness age by the Wii standards. Or not. No one really plays the Wii anyway. Don't judge us. Or do. Whatevs.
At least he looks good playing - and in my favorite shirt!
I look weird and uncoordinated. I was actually bowling when this precious moment was captured. Plus I'm wearing leggings as pants, which to be honest, is my new favorite thing in the universe. 
Side note: Do you guys like our temporary TV stand? :)

Okay, okay, we get it. We're out of shape. Let's just bowl against each other to see who's the real champion. 

Really? Annoying.
 Guess we'll never know who's the better catch.

1 comment:

  1. Lol I love this!! You two are amazing. So much love for yoi both!
