Friday, December 27, 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Week 8

This is an awful picture of me, but you can see my bump!

How far along? Exactly 8 weeks!

How big is baby? The size of a raspberry, which is crazy to me because two weeks ago, she was the size of a pea!

Total weight gain/loss: Still nothing, but I'm sure my weight will be climbing soon since I haven't had any morning sickness yet. It doesn't help that I always want spaghetti/spaghetti-o's for breakfast. 

Maternity clothes? Still not yet. 

Sleep: Ugh. This one is rough. I was asleep by 830 last night and I didn't wake up until 5, but I am STILL exhausted. 

Best moment this week: Telling my mom for sure! 

Movement:Still too little. 

Food cravings: Pasta with red sauce, beef. That's about it this week.

Food aversions: Still anything that has bones. Any kind of chicken. 

Gender: This week, I've been referring to it as 'she' and 'her'

Pregnancy symptoms: Same as always. Fatigue, food sensitivity, inability to wait for food, extreme nausea and dizziness when I don't eat. My boobs have gotten huge.

What I miss: Nothing really. So far it's been a wonderful experience. Although, it would be nice not to be so hormonal.

What I am looking forward to: Picking out baby things!

Upcoming appointments/events: Nothing yet

Milestones: Still no vomiting!! We made our weekly trip to Target and bought the baby's stroller, car seat, high chair, and pack n play. YES! They were all REALLY clearanced out. It certainly made my heart happy. We were going to have to buy those things anyway, might as well get them when they're 70% off.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week 7

Deceptively pregnant looking. I WISH I looked this pregnant in real life. Oh the joys of colons. TMI, I know. You're welcome.

How far along? 7 weeks exactly

How big is baby? We have officially graduated to a blueberry

Total weight gain/loss: I weighed myself for the first time last night. So far, nothing, which is crazy because I AM SO HUNGRY all of the time. Which again is weird since I'm in the first trimester.

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep: This one is still rough and I don't see it improving. I've been reading a lot of articles on how to improve.Check back next week.

Best moment this week: Heartbeat of 154 and getting my first peak at our bargain 

Movement: Still nothing.

Food cravings: EVERYTHING! Burritos, soup, sandwiches, crackers, summer sausage, spaghetti (or any kind of pasta with red sauce), avocados. 

Food aversions: Meat with bones. 

Gender: This weeks guess is a BOY

Labor Signs: Not possible.

Pregnancy symptoms: Increased appetite, hormones, crankiness, obsession with names (this happened pre-pregnancy too though - so no excuse), I get REALLY upset about my food and my meal times (again, nothing new)

Belly button in or out? Still in.

What I miss: Sleep.

What I am looking forward to: Doctors appointment! Telling my mom next week.

Upcoming appointments/events: My momma gets in town on Sunday and I can't wait to tell her!

Milestones: I still haven't vomited. Small victory. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dining Room Transformation

Ah, behold, our new dining room! I had been picking at the wallpaper (much to Kyles dismay) and one day after work I decided to see how easy it would be to tear it off the wall. Turns out, it was SUPER easy. (see picture one.) Like, really easy. once I started, I couldn't stop! I had about a third of the wall done when Kyle got home. Crap. I completely "forgot" to discuss this idea with him. We were already in the middle of redoing the master bedroom. Whoops.

Needless to say, he was NOT thrilled when he walked in. I was hoping he wouldn't notice. No such luck.

I FINALLY got the wallpaper off (see picture two). Actually, it didn't take long at all - just a few days. Not a big deal. Then we moved onto paint colors.


This will end a relationship quickly.

Thankfully, Kyle found a color that he really liked (I was skeptical of course) and off to painting I went. On went the first coat.(see picture 3) I. HATED. IT. Like, REALLY hated it. He tried to assure me it would be fine and I wasn't having it. Typical Kristin, right?

So. Then I start the second coat. It started to look a little better. Again, Ky tried to assure me that everything will be fine. Yeah maybe.

No home improvement project would be complete without me having some kind of mishap. I don't believe in using a drop cloth when I'm painting because I will totally slip/trip/fall over it, so I didn't use one. I kept the paint on a blanket and then just walked around as I pleased. In between coats I put slippers on because my toesies were cold (again, typical) and I took them off when it was time to paint. My mistake was taking them off and putting them on the drop cloth. I was maneuvering around the drop cloth while painting and I trip over the paint can itself and the paint went EVERYWHERE. Every. Where. on the hardwood floors. I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry, so I did a combination of both. I yelled for Kyle and he ran and grabbed towels (so helpful). Thankfully we used awesome paint, and we were able to wipe it up without a problem. Now you can't even tell that anything was spilled! Winning.

As soon as I finished this project, I started the master bathroom (without asking first). Again, whoops. :) Pictures of that coming soon.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 6 Baby Thoughts

My baby apps (yes, apps plural. I have three, and two weekly email updates. I like to be prepared.) keep telling me to make a list of questions I have for my provider at my first appointment.

This is what I've got so far:

Kristin: Uhm. Hi. I'm pregnant.
Dr: Yeah, I figured. That's why most people make their appointments.
Kristin: Oh yeah. So. Okay. That's all I've got.


Mommy melt down moment: So I know that my hormones are crazy right now, so it's only natural I have a hilarious moment to share. I've always had odd cravings - this isn't news to anyone. BUT one night this week, I just REALLY wanted a grilled cheese and some creamy chicken ramen noodles. Legit craving. I get the water ready, I'm getting the soup down from the cabinet, preparing the cheese and OH NO! We're out of bread. You would have thought my world had ended. Kyle blew me off at first, but once he saw the tears, he promptly offered to go to the store. In my logic I clearly could NOT stay behind and wait that long. So I went to the store myself. #crazypregnantladyproblems. I hope you all got a good laugh out of this :)

Week 6

How far along? 6 weeks and 3 days

How big is baby?The size of a sweet pea!!

Total weight gain/loss:Thankfully none yet!

Maternity clothes? I actually bought my first maternity shirt today! I don't need it yet, but it was something that I really wanted to do! I'll need it eventually.

Sleep: 4am seems to be the magic time for me. No matter what time I go to sleep (or stop drinking water) I MUST get up at 4 to pee. Then I have a hard time going back to sleep. It's awful. Rough sleep week for this girl.

Best moment this week: Making it to week 6! It's all just SO exciting!

Movement: Definitely not.

Food cravings:Still loving orange juice and hard core wanting spaghetti. Noms. Pretty normal as expected though. I'm noticing a definite need for food sooner than normal. I should probably start keeping snacks on me at all times

Food aversions:Oh yeah. Chicken with bones in it. I made chicken thighs with rice one night and it was SOO delicious, had it for lunch the next day, still awesome. Took leftovers for lunch the following day - thought I was going go vomit.

Gender: Still pretty sure it doesn't have a gender yet 

Labor Signs: Nope.

Pregnancy symptoms: Non existent bladder control, general fatigue, headaches, constant thirst, and motion sickness in cars.

Belly button in or out? Innie (Inny?)

What I miss: Still seafood.

What I am looking forward to: Doctors appointments. Telling the family.

Upcoming appointments/events: Next week we're hoping!

Milestones: 6 weeks! This is the last time this baby will be 6 weeks old in my tummy!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 5

How far along? 5 weeks and 3 days

How big is baby? About the size of a poppy seed!

Total weight gain/loss:  Nada, but I also haven’t been keeping track since I haven’t had my first appointment yet.

Maternity clothes? Not yet thankfully!

Sleep: SO TIRED ALL OF THE TIME! I normally get about 9-10 hours a night per-pregnancy, but now I’m ready to go to sleep as soon as I get home from work – which is at 3:40. Embarrassing.
Best moment this week: Finding out I was pregnant!

Movement: Little Deal is still too small to feel those movements.

Food cravings: I can’t get enough water and I’ve been dying for some orange juice, and I normally don’t like OJ.

Food Aversions: I wouldn’t say I have any aversions yet, but I’m not a fan of raw chicken. I’m sure that’s going to strengthen as I progress. Yuck. 

Gender: I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have a gender yet :)

Labor Signs: Nope.

Pregnancy Symptoms: My sense of smell is WAY off. All of my perfume smells like urine to me. Can’t do it. 

Belly Button in or out? Still in. Hopefully there to stay a while!

What I miss: FISH! SHRIMP! 

What I am looking forward to: Our first doctor’s appointment! AND I’m excited to not have to keep this a secret anymore!

Upcoming appointments/events: I hear labor and delivery will be just around the corner (in 8 months)

Milestones: Not telling EVERYONE I see on the street/work/grocery store that I’m pregnant. Shit’s hard to keep secret.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bargains. The Story.

Kyle and I decided to extend our family, and after only two months, we conceived! Pretty insane! We thought it would take longer. Much longer. But it didn’t. Kyle and I had talked about my cycle being late so Kyle decided to head to Target (duh) to get a pregnancy test. He was so sweet about it, and even gift wrapped it for me. Showing off his present wrapping skills. I kind of blew this off thinking that there was no way it was going to be positive and wanted to prolong the sadness as long as possible. I planned on taking it in the morning since I knew my hormone levels would be higher then. BUT Ky had other plans. He insisted that I take it that evening – so I did. Let me just say, psyching yourself up to take that test is intense. SO many thoughts ran through my head – what if it was positive? What if it was negative? What if it was multiples? Where are they going to go to college!? AM I GOING TO LIKE THEIR SPOUSES!? No joke. Grandkids even popped into my mind. I’m insane. I know. I was going to wait the entire 3 minutes, but lasted the 1.5 it takes to brush my teeth. 

Almost an immediate positive. What.

Yep. Positive. It had a YES and a +. What. I’m pregnant.


Even though it was totally planned, it’s scary! Completely scary. I’m already neurotic – add in some ridiculous hormones and mood swings – there’s NO way Kyle will stick around for that craziness. 

I always envisioned this super adorable way of telling him, but that went right out the window as soon as I comprehended what was happening. Honestly, all I remember saying to him was “pregnant” and giving him the test. I’m sure there were other words (at least I hope there was) but I couldn’t tell you what they were.

Obviously we’re super excited (but I must say, Kyle actually SLEPT that night, so he clearly was not on my level ;) ) and can’t wait for more information. Mostly I’m thinking about my grandchildren. Apparently I have a ways to go. Rude. 

I will try my darndest to update often, but who knows how consistent I’ll be. We shall see!! Maybe even Kyle will blog his side of things (i.e. OMG THIS BEEZY IS CRAY CRAY!) Really. I’m waiting for it. :)

Sunday, December 1, 2013


I'm not uber into playing sports, which means I never have any kind of award or championships under my belt - by Kyle and I changed that. We are in a phase of trying new mom and pop restaurants (which we love!) and we wanted to try this cafe called Woodsweather. A co-worker of Kyles had recommended it. So one Saturday, off we went!

I'm not a foodie blogger like Ky, so I will spare you all of the details that he would give you and I'll go into my point of this post.

I am a champion.

No, really. I was at a complete loss looking at the menu. Everything looked good but one thing stood out to me. The Big Boss. Um. Yes. Thank you.

The waitress had recommended it, but mentioned that I would not be able to finish the whole thing. She then proceeds to ask the gentlemen who were sitting next to us (i.e. three burly looking men who clearly know their way around plates) what the thought of the Big Boss. They claimed that they loved it, but again, they said they knew for a fact there was no way I could finish this beast of a mean.

Bring it.

At this point, the couple sitting in the booth behind us chimes in - they also know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to finish it.

I hear a challenge.

So it became a whole restaurant event. It seemed like everyone was in on this.

Then the food came out. Let me explain what Big Boss is: 2 sausage patties, hash browns, 2 eggs (over easy was my preference) and cheese piled high on Texas toast, topped with their homemade sausage gravy. Anyone else want to go out for breakfast?

Anyway, I'm starting to panic a little. I've been talking myself up, but what if I really can't finish it!? That would be embarrassing.

I'll go ahead and cut to the chase - I totally finished it and with a pleasant surprise, they let me sign my name on the wall. :) I'm sure they do that with every girl who challenges herself to eat herself into a coma, but I still felt special.

My massive beast of a breakfast.

Celebrating eating 4x's the amount of food I should have eaten.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Buy Cooper Things!!

I may be a dog, but I have mastered blogging, and I have a Christmas list I would like to share.

Daddy, please take note.

A basket for my toys. Mom asked me to put this on my list. I don't think she likes that I always have my toys spread throughout the house. I just like toys - especially the ones that don't have eyes.
Mom says this will help my joints not hurt so much when I wake up! She's the best.
Maybe Auntie SCO will come over and play with me if I have hedgehogs.
A baby brother and sister to play with! Only if they're the same age... Dad, aren't you a twin!?
I want this for the obvious reason. It's true ANNNND it's my name. Duh.
Dark sheets for my new bed!
Someone to make me this for my food!!

I REALLY LIKE THESE! But remember, I have a sensitive tummy, so you might want to check with mom before you buy and special treats.

Maybe you could go to Petco and grab my dinner so mom doesn't have to. Just an idea.

Dad, if you have any questions, you know where to find me.

Ruff. *whine* *pounces around the living room* *more whining* I just want to lay down on your yoga mat. Thanks for loving me.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Giovanni’s Italian Deli & Pasta – Restaurant Review

After Kristin and I purchased carpet this evening, we decided to celebrate by going out to eat.  We weren’t looking for a luxurious restaurant, but something quick and different.  We chose a restaurant just up the street from us called Giovanni’s Italian Deli & Pasta.

Neither of us have tried it before because we aren’t really fans of deli’s.  I mean, if I wanted a sandwich, I have bread and sandwich meat at home that I could whip up into a quick sandwich.  But, I figured they’d have something we both would like.

As I’m attempting to pull into the parking lot, I’m in the turning lane while there is another car facing me waiting to turn the other way.  While I’m waiting, the car in front of me flashes his lights at me.  I mutter, “I don’t have my brights on idiot.”  Right before it’s clear for me to turn, I give the guy a nice flash (my way of saying, fuck off) and turn into Giovanni’s parking lot. 

Giovanni’s is an “order your food, pay at the counter, get your beverage,  sit and wait for your number to be called” type of restaurant.  Fine by me.  This actually saves you 15%-25% of the bill since you don’t have to tip a waitress.  The entrees ranged from around $5-$10, so it’s very reasonably priced.  We weren’t sure what to order, so as we typically do at new restaurant, we asked the lady taking our order for recommendations.  They had various cold and warm sandwiches, daily specials, and all kinds of homemade pastas. They recommended the homemade pastas so of course this is what we went with.
Huge portion of lasagna and that garlic bread, delicious!
Kristin had the spaghetti and meatballs which she really enjoyed.  I however, LOVED the lasagna.  It was smothered with this sweet homemade pasta sauce.  And the toasted garlic bread it came with was fantastic!  I am a huge fan of bread.  For instance, if we go to some place like Outback Steakhouse (which is rare since Kristin doesn’t like the chain steakhouse restaurants) I murder at least 3 loafs of their bread.  So the fact that they gave us 3 pieces of garlic bread each, I was thrilled!  The lasagna was fresh and moist and wasn’t overcooked like you get at some Italian restaurants.

We love supporting our local mom and pop restaurants.  Unfortunately, our favorite local Chinese restaurant that we eat at weekly (awesome special that consist of an entire meal for only $5) got shut down by the health department.  Sad day.  We loved that place!  So, Giovanni’s is definitely a place we will continue to go to and support.

I’m not exactly sure how a rating system should go, but here is my ratings:

92% of people gave Giovanni’s restaurant a thumbs up.

My rating:
Cost: 9
                Very cheap and generous portions for the price.

Taste: 9
                I loved the homemade lasagna and the slightly sweet sauce was fantastic.

Speed: 9
                We had our food in 5 minutes or less.  Definitely a place you can get a quick meal in and not have to worry about a long wait or being too crowded.

Plating: 5
                They served with paper plates and plastic ware, but it’s not a fine dining restaurant.  It’s a place to get good your Italian fix for an inexpensive price.

                I took the average of the 4 ratings to get the overall score.  Tummies full, wallet happy, and out in less than 30 minutes for a quick and easy dinner.

I know I haven’t blogged much lately, but I figured it was time to get back to it.  So I thought I’d start with tonight’s dinner. 

I have lots of blogs I can catch up on so we’ll see if I get to those soon or if I decide to just let those go and start others. 

My twin brother will be coming to stay with us next week from California, so I’m sure I’ll be blogging about that.  I will also be attending the Chiefs / Broncos game at Arrowhead on December 1st.  We also will be having the carpet installed very soon, so look for before and after pictures.  I know I've put up pictures of the before and after of the dining room wall on Facebook, but I need to add a blog to it as well. So keep an eye out for some of these in the near future.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Buy me things.

Kyle has been bugging me about a Christmas list. I'm all "just surprise me" and he's all "No."

Okay then. List it is. I gave him a million options for my birthday presents (I'm really not that hard to make happy) and he picked the perfect one! Got to give him credit there.

But really, Ky - I would be happy with ANYTHING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD (mostly a puppy) but don't buy me a vacuum cleaner or a mop, although these are things that we need. A dishwasher/and or paint is totally acceptable though. I'm just saying.

First things first,

Mostly kidding.
Moving on.
Not sure where to find these at, but Google is a thing.

Boomer Sooner!!

You know, if you win the lottery

This is probably a bit more realistic. Whatevs.


Just kidding. I want this

So my glasses won't get scratched


This has everything I love. Stripes and sparkle

A big bag like this. Or something similar. You know what I like. Aka stripes and sparkles ;) 

Again, YES!!


Aquage Uplifting Foam - Google is a thing.

You're already the master of finding my conditioner - but maybe I can have the shampoo too?

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